Page 12 of Under Their Watch
“Light doesn’t make the fat go away,” I frown.
“God, you are a brat,” Theo says with a smile.
“Is that bad?” I ask.
“I don’t think so,” he says. “I think everyone in this room, especially Quinn and Jace, will understand what you need if you allow yourself to be a brat.”
“He’s saying you should learn how to tell them to fuck off for fun,” Mia laughs.
“That’s fun and all, but isn’t BDSM a lot about sex?” I ask.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Max says. “It just depends on your limits.”
“I just…” I start to say. “You guys are talking like you all want to teach me these things, which is fine. I want to learn. If Quinn and Jace trust you, then I do. I guess I am just confused on why you’d want to if it’s meant to be sexual for you all.”
“First of all, no one will do anything to or with you without your consent,” Quinn says. “Second, I hope you are not implying what I think you are.”
“I just don’t understand why…” I say but stop and sigh.
“What is it?” Jace asks.
“Do you all mean it in a sexual way? I’m struggling to understand why any of you would want to have sex with me. Marvin hardly wanted to unless he was hurting me or didn’t have to look at me.”
“You okay, Theo?” Anika asks with a giggle.
“Mhmm,” he says.
Jace takes my face between his hands and kisses my forehead. “You need to get dressed.”
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.
“He’s saying you need to get dressed because he’s struggling with trying to not touch you,” Quinn says. “Rhea, you have to understand that we have to learn how to navigate your trauma along side you.”
“Why don’t you have Theo help?” Anika says. “He’s literally a BDSM therapist.”
“That’s not the help I’d like to give, but yes,” Theo says. “I can help how ever you need me to.”
“This is a lot,” Quinn says. “We’re going to take her back to the house so she can rest.”
“I’m going to work on filing this,” Emma says.
“Thanks,” Quinn says as he helps me back into my dress. “Let’s go home, Little Star.”
When we get intothe basement, I stand and wait for someone to tell me what to do. “Rhea,” Jace says. “Why are you standing there like a creep?”
“No one has told me what to do,” I say quietly. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Well… you can start by sitting,” Quinn says. “They can be intense. I’m sorry if they overwhelmed you.”
“I learned a lot. It’s okay,” I say. “May I use the restroom?”
“Yeah,” he says, giving me a confused look. “It’s in the bedroom.”
“Can I change? This dress is kind of tight,” I say.
“Yeah. Just grab a shirt from the closet,” he says. “Why are you asking permission for everything?”
“Force of habit, I guess,” I say. He nods and I go to the bedroom. I find a T-shirt and go to the bathroom to change. I get done as quickly as I can. I don’t know why, but I feel as though I’ll get in trouble if I take too long. When I come out, Quinn is looking at his phone by the bed. He just has pajama bottoms on. I forgot just how gorgeous he is. I missed them so much.