Page 14 of Under Their Watch
“I’ll say it,” Jace says. “I’d fuck you right now if you gave me permission.”
That’s the gentle version of what I was going to say,” Quinn laughs.
“Why didn’t you guys ever do anything before?” I ask.
“Because you were a child, Rhea. We didn’t see you like that back then,” Quinn says. “Unlike your piece-of-shit stepfather, I have no desire to have sex with a minor.”
“He has a tiny dick, if that counts for anything,” I say.
“I really hope Marvin has a small dick,” Jace laughs.
“He’s bigger compared to Dad,” I say. “Probably average, I guess.”
“I don’t like this conversation,” Quinn says. “It makes me want to murder people.”
“Damn. I didn’t think you were that mad at me,” I say with a sweet smile.
“Brat,” he says with a smile as he closes his eyes. “We missed you, Rhea. So much.”
“I missed you guys too,” I admit. Quinn moves in closer, and I relax between them.
Chapter Four
I open my eyesto find that I am still between Quinn and Jace. Jace has his arm banded around my waist, and Quinn has his arms around my shoulders. My ass is pressed against Jace and when I shift to try and scoot away, he tightens his grip on me and kisses my neck.
“Good morning,” Jace whispers in my ear.
“Sir,” I say.
“Ma’am,” he replies.
“You’re poking me in the ass, Jace,” I say.
“If you’re lucky, I’ll put it in your ass,” Jace says, chuckling to himself.
“Damn. I don’t even get a kiss? Just straight to anal?” I say. “I suppose it’s the best way to not have to see my face.”
“He may be afraid to fuck you stupid, but I’m not,” Jace growls in my ear. "Say it again, Little Star. This whole fucking house will hear you scream my name.”
“What happens if I’m already stupid before you fuck me stupid? Do I get smarter, or can I just be blissfully ignorant and believe that I’m not as off-putting as I actually am?” I ask.
“Brave little girl,” Quinn chuckles sleepily.
Jace rolls me to my back and rips my panties off, making me gasp. “Rude. Those were all I had.”
“That’s the least of what you should be worried about,” he says as he pulls my legs apart. Jace grabs my face and turns me to look at him. “You have a choice, Rhea.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” I ask with a sweet smile. “I’m okay. I promise.”
Jace kisses me deeply as he runs his hand up my inner thigh. My whole body shutters at his touch and I whimper against his lips. “Birth control?” he asks.
“Yeah,” I say. “In my arm.”
“I want you to be sure about this, Rhea,” he says seriously. “You have to talk to me. You can’t just take something if it hurts.”
“I’m going to need you to explain that,” I laugh. It’s mostly dark in the room, but I can still see him as he sits up a bit more. He gently grabs my wrist and presses my hand against his cock.