Page 10 of Master B-0361
“She’s dead. I know.”
“But…But, why? How?”
I stood, leaving her standing there as I headed to my separate closet on the opposite side of the room. I didn’t answer as I walked inside, grabbing a dark gray suit. A good minute passed before I heard movement behind me.
My hand froze from grabbing a pair of socks. When I turned, Margaret inched back to the doorway.
“I’m sorry. I only meant to ask if you’d like me to make you coffee. I’m,” she paused. “I’m sorry about your loss. Mae seemed like a lovely slave. I feel horrible that she was sick, and that you’ve…lost someone else dear to you.”
I blinked through her words, closing the distance between us. My head cocked to the side, and I soaked in the fear and hesitancy she held as her light brown eyes gazed up at me.
“You’re sweet. A trait that will cease to exist once I’m finished with you. I should be sorry about that.” I reached out, tracing my finger over her plump, pink lips. “I’m not sorry. Save your pity for yourself, Margaret. You’re going to need it.”
Iwas already through my first cup of coffee by the time my Master appeared, already showered, and dressed…smelling good enough to swoon over. It wasn’t enough to stop the trembling. Perhaps it was nerves. Caffeine. Or…maybe it was the bruising I saw around Mae’s neck. I couldn’t be for sure of that though. I had never seen a dead body before. Whatever it was, I was trying my damn best to get this Master to like me, and I was too awkward and introverted to know what to do. I felt lost. Like I was doing more harm to myself than good. But I was trying to hide it. I just had to find the balance between quiet and pleasant. Maybe even helpful if I were going to survive this nightmare I’d been thrown into.
“Where’s my breakfast?”
The Master spun, scanning the surroundings as I moved deeper into the kitchen.
“I put it in the oven to stay warm. I didn’t want it to get cold.”
“Oh.” He seemed surprised as he fastened his watch. I quickly opened the oven. “Did you already eat?”
I popped up from behind the counter, meeting his eyes as I put the tray on the top of the stove to remove our plates. “I was waiting for you.”
“To eat?”
“Of course.”
“Don’t do that.” A dissatisfied look appeared, but he headed over, meeting me at the small table as I put down his plate and stepped back to the counter with my own. “What are you doing, slave?”
“Eating over here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Sit.”
Was I making things worse? God, I was. I was overthinking what I should do. I had to stop that.
As I sat down, I kept my head bowed, staring at my food as I began to eat. Two bites in and I remembered the coffee.
“I’m sorry?”
“Your coffee? Do you drink it black, or do you prefer sugar…cream?”
I went to stand but stopped as his hand shot up.
“Eat. I didn’t buy ad?i. I can get my own coffee.”
And he did. He stood, leaving me at the table as he swept by. I tried to ignore his aggravation as my head lowered again.
“I usually don’t drink coffee here. I’m surprised you even found any. I usually buy my coffee from the cart in the lobby.”
“I’ll remember that.”