Page 19 of Master B-0361
“Bad fucking decade.” I glanced over to take in his dark hair and darker eyes. “But yeah. I’ve been drinking for hours. I was wasted before I left the apartment. Today was…I don’t know.”
“Now this is different.” He tossed back the shot. “What don’t you know? Last I heard, you weren’t connecting with the slave. She wasn’t right for you. Did you change your mind?”
“No. I killed her.”
“That was easy. I got a new slave.”
“Oh.” His tone deepened. “That’s right. It was auction night. A better slave?”
I got quiet, taking a long drink as I tried to find the right words.
“My brother came to my apartment today. He saw the resemblance. I don’t see it like him, although…I must. I chose her. I had to have her. She gave me a fucking heart attack when she disappeared to the city below without me knowing.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah,” I said, glancing back over to him. He knew how dangerous it was down there. “I was afraid that maybe…afraid that…you know.” I took another shot, chasing it down with my drink. “I shouldn’t have given a shit. I did.” My head shook in disbelief. My words and thoughts were getting hard to separate. “There’s something between us that’s different. I said her name when I shouldn’t have.Her name, not Maggie’s.”
Rob was quiet a good minute as he motioned and took his drink from the bartender.
“Maybe this is good.”
“I don’t see how.”
“You won’t, either, until you let it play out.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not that it could play out smoothly after this. She won’t be happy when I finally set her free. It’s for the best, I suppose. I should just kill her and get this over with and go home. I have work to do anyway.”
“What the fuck is work? Stay down here like me. Forget the outside world. It’s not worth it.”
“I wish.”
I wiped out the remaining shots, blinking through the blurriness that had long taken over. I could barely speak straight anymore, and it was getting worse by the minute. I sure as fuck couldn’t sit without the slightest sway.
“I have to go. It was good seeing you, Rob.” I paused. “Twelve-twelve.”
“You, too. I’ll be here if you change your mind and come back.”
All I could do was a half-ass nod as I stepped off the stool and kept myself as straight as I could. Balance was almost impossible, but I somehow made it from the bar, through the mostly empty lounge, and into my hall. When I finally got to my apartment, everything was spinning. I shut the door, reaching forward as I made my way back to my bed. But it wasn’t how I needed it. How I had to have it.
“Maggie.” I tried to sit. I failed as I called out to her again. My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to put things in focus. My sight. My mind. It all kept circling around and around. “Margaret. Maggie.” I laughed, groaning as I turned and forced myself to sit. “Maggie come to bed. It’s time…for bed.”
I went, stumbling to the small room that still had the light on. I hit hard into the doorframe, crashing to my knees. That didn’t stop me. I crawled to the bed. The lifeless body had me transfixed as I pulled myself up onto the mattress. Ammonia wasstrong and my nose drew in, but I didn’t care as I hovered over her.
“When I say…come to bed. You come. Now we’re here. I don’t like this room.”
Brown eyes blazed. They were so expressive and angry as her lids narrowed. I couldn’t look for long. I collapsed nearly on top of her, resting my head against her cheek, drowning in her hair. I was okay with dying like this. I could die, and that would be okay.
That wouldn’t be so bad. Then we could be together forever. But I couldn’t die. I had responsibilities. I had my brothers and my parents to take care of. My death would kill my mother. My father would follow. He was nothing without her. He could forget us all, but not her. Not yet. Their love was real…their demons stronger. I had wanted that kind of love. I had wanted…something…real.
But no. Abnormally pale skin. My fingers deep inside a cold, tight pussy. My moaning. More. My cock pounding to the sway of dark hair. To lifeless limbs. Harder. Deader. Harder.