Page 33 of Master B-0361
“Did I give you the impression that I didn’t? If I recall, Master…I couldn’t get enough.”
Sebastian cupped the side of my throat, bringing me forward, just inches from his mouth. For seconds he didn’t move. He just kept looking between my eyes and lips.
“No.” He let go, grabbing his phone. “Is this your list?”
“You didn’t like being with me?”
He snatched the paper, not returning my stare.
“I fucking loved it. You are not healed enough to have this conversation and by the time you are, you’ll be safe with Hale.”
“What?You’re giving me to the giant?”
That did bring his eyes up.
“He protects women. That’s his job. He’ll look after you while you work at the hospital. I’ve already cleared it with the Main Master. He’s fine with you learning under the staff and working there.” His brow creased. “This is a good thing, Margaret. The best life you can lead down here. When you’re finished with whatever training they provide and they move you up to being a doctor, or whatever you choose, they’ll provide you your own apartment. When that time comes, I’ll grant you your freedom, here at the Gardens.”
“Why can’t I do that living here?”
“We both know you can’t.”
My head shook. “Of course I can. What about Hale? Does he not have needs too? Isn’t that why he’s here? I’m supposed to just…impose? Have him tiptoe around me as he’s trying to figure out his own issues?”
Sebastian’s face hardened.
“I suppose you’re right. I’ll figure it out. Even if I have to somehow rent another apartment. I’m sure that’s possible.”
“So, then I’m alone, navigating this place by myself? Did you forget how that turned out last time? Whatever. I think I’m seeing the bigger picture now. Rent me my own apartment, Sebastian. …I’ll be fine.” I stood from the counter knowing I hadn’t hidden the hurt in my voice. I was not well enough to think rationally. I was terrified of facing strangers. Afraid of someone hurting me again. Hell, I was traumatized fromthe evil violence I’d undergone. And now I’d be alone withno protection? With no Sebastian?
Who was I kidding? I knew the truth. Sebastian thought he lost me, and to him, I resembled Maggie. He’d lost one. He couldn’t lose another, and cutting ties with me was the safest thing he could do. I should have been elated. I should have been praising God that I was being set up with an actual life here. And a part of me was. But I was sad, too, and even though I shouldn’t want to stay with him, the feelings were impossible to ignore.
Master B-0361
The Main Master’s ‘soon’ and my ‘soon’ were two different things. Where I was under the impression that the trial would be in days, it was actually set over three weeks later.Today.In just a few hours. Three weeks of hell. Three fucking weeks of outside life with only the weekends at the Gardens. I was such a mess. The days with Margaret were long and lonely. The ones without her were pure torture. She stayed quiet. I was quiet. Our comedy show held no joy like it once did. Not that I was really watching. My eyes were on the screen, but my senses knew nothing but her.
I hated seeing her so withdrawn, but what was I supposed to do? Keep her? Engage in acts meant for slaves and not for…her? Hadn’t I fucked her up enough with my ways? Not that the thought wasn’t appealing. Hell, I wanted to have her more than anything. Just not like I had before. I wanted something different. Something…more normal. At least at the moment. That was trouble waiting to happen. It’s why I was rushing to get her out of my apartment. Out of my life. It wasn’t happening anywhere near fast enough for the feelings evolving within me.
“What are you studying?”
Her head lifted and she glanced at me, going back to stare at the pages as our show mindlessly played on.
“I’m refreshing my knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology.”
“And how’s that going?”
“Better than I thought.”
“Good.” I got quiet again, letting out a deep breath. “I’m told the medical apartments are on the same floor as the hospital. That should make you feel better. You won’t have to go very far.”
Silence. More reading.
She slammed the book closed, turning to face me.
“Stop. Just…stop. You don’t have to do this.”