Page 6 of Master B-0361
“Your name. Almost like mine,” I breathed out. “It’s nice to meet you, Mae.”
A tear raced down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away with shaky hands.
“It’s nice to meet you too, eight-forty-two.”
“Almost like you? What do you mean?
I almost couldn’t speak through the range of emotion that played across my Master’s face. There were plenty of men more handsome, but aside from looks, he made up for it with his aura. It alone was the perfect mix of gentleman and monster. Dominant yet genuine. He terrified me as much as he intrigued me with his sad, green eyes. They looked at me expectantly. Almost beggingly. For what, I wasn’t sure. He needed something. Maybe it was as simple as my life. My blood. The horror stories were making their way around the cells, and I wasn’t sure how much of them were true. But he had a slave still. She wasn’t dead. She wasn’t…healthy or in good spirits, either. I wasn’t sure how to take that as he waited for me to answer.
“I had a lot of nicknames throughout my life. Mae-Mae, Mags, Mag-pie. Margie.”
“Mags?” He repeated, almost breathless.
“My name is Margaret.”
“No one ever called me that, surprisingly.”
The slave clutched to his black shirt, collapsing in his arms. He hardly seemed to notice as he scooped her up behind her knees to cradle. Still, he couldn’t erase the haunting look that turned to horror as he gazed deep into my depths. Maybe for a second, I thought him incapable of the nightmares that were whispered, but I was wrong. He could have snapped my neck, and I wouldn’t have been surprised. He looked at me like a dreaded ghost. Like vermin he wanted squashed. Like…a mix of both hate and hope, and it wasn’t a good thing.
“I have to take her to bed. Follow me.”
The tone was suddenly harsh. My Master spun, heading back for the room. My feet didn’t want to work, but I forced myself to follow, swallowing hard as I paused in the threshold. Where I expected him to put her in the large bed that sat centered at the back wall of the room, he didn’t. He headed to the side,walking into one of two doors. When he came out without Mae, he gestured to the entrance not feet away from the slave’s room.
“Shower. I already laid out your clothes. I’ll get out your blankets.”
As he disappeared out of the bedroom, I quickly headed for the bathroom, shutting myself inside. The size of the room was larger than I had expected. A tub was off to the side. There was nothing special about it. It was the marble walk-in shower that took up the entire back wall that had me nearly gawking. I turned, going to lock the door, only to see there was no lock.
My eyes closed through the slight let-down, but I forced myself to the counter to take in the clothes. Again, not special. It was a pale blue cotton nightgown with sleeves. As I held it up, it reached to my knees. Basic white cotton panties were also set out for me. I was good with this. Clothes were clothes, and it covered a lot more than the sheer, blue robe I wore.
“Ten minutes, slave.”
I jumped at the voice that came through the door, looking between the barrier and the shower. Ten minutes and then what? He’d come in?
I didn’t wait to find out as I unfastened the robe and placed it in a hamper along the wall. As I carried my towel to the hook by the shower and got in, I couldn’t force away all the what-ifs and fears. The only conclusion that I could come to so far was that I was safer than a lot of other women who’d been sold tonight. That was, if the stories were true. They might not be. All the training and classes could all be a ploy to try to get us to behave. Did I want to test that theory? Absolutely not.
Water poured over me like rain, and I lost myself in the warmth. Not enough to push my limits on time, but enough to calm myself as I went through the routine of washing my body and my hair. The need to break down was there. To cry andcry after what felt like years of rules and preparation for this moment. Had it been that long? The fact that my hair used to be a few inches over my shoulders told me it had to have been. It was almost to my elbows now. To me, it showed time. Time I’d lost with loved ones. With friends and…just…life. Everything was gone.All I had now was him.My Master.
I turned off the water, walking over and grabbing my towel to dry off. My lip quivered, but I held in the emotions as I put on my clothes. By the time I finished going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I could barely control the sob that kept trying to force its way free. The crying could wait. This night wasn’t over, and I wouldn’t let myself relax until it was. It was going to take days to see how it all would play out, and I couldn’t risk dropping my guard for a second. Weakness wouldn’t win with these evil men who bought us. They were here for a reason. Money…definitely, but that was just their ticket in. They wanted something from us that they couldn’t get anywhere else, and Mae was sick.From what?That’s what I needed to figure out.
Slowly, I walked to the door, pulling it open. My Master paused by his bedside table, watching me as I eased out. He was only wearing a pair of dark blue pajama pants. He was all lean muscle and in decent shape. Seeing his body just reassured me how much stronger he was.And tall.He appeared so much taller without clothes. And threatening. Definitely that as he started to glare.
“Let’s cut through the bullshit. I’m not going to be played. If you’re honest, you won’t get in trouble. I know Elec set this up. It seems impossible, but I know him. He’d want me to be happy. He’d want me to feel the connection and be okay with this.”
“I’m sorry?”
Confusion had me holding tighter to the doorknob as I stayed in place.
“Your name. You’re lying about it. Elec told you to say that.”
“Elec? Master, I don’t know who?—”
I could barely move before a growl tore from his throat and he was lunging towards me. I spun, but he quickly scooped me up around the waist.
“You’re lying. He did this.”