Page 14 of The Virgin and Her Bodyguard
“Exactly.You get it.”Marco scowls in disgust as he waves to some of the men in the hall.“Unlike those idiots.No one wants to get their hands dirty anymore.”
“These young ones forget it’s work.They think it’s all partying.”I try to steer the conversation away from Vitaly and Pru.
“Is that why you disappeared the other night?”he says, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up.
“Yes.I’m here for business.”I pretend to be casual but inside I’m tense.“I think your men would do well with fewer distractions.”
“Hmm.”He cocks his head to the side like he’s thinking it over.“I think you’re right.That's why I’ve decided to dispatch a retired soldier tomorrow night to make the hit.”
“What?”I have to swallow down the panic.This is the first I’m hearing of something happening tomorrow.
“Now that I know the intel you’ve given us is useful, I’m putting it to use.I’m sending out a stealth attack with one of my less conspicuous men.Someone who knows how to get the job done.”
“A stealth attack?I thought we were planning an ambush for next week.”I’m already rolling through the possibilities when Marco grins widely.My stomach drops because I have a feeling I know what he’s going to say.
“Have you been through the gardens before?”He narrows his eyes like he already knows the answer, so I nod.“The head groundskeeper used to be the top soldier when Renzo took over.He wasn’t a right-hand, but if you needed a hit, he would deliver.He owed Renzo a lot of money, and it was his way of paying back his debts.Now we keep him around to plant pretty flowers and rake up leaves.He knows too much to let him go.”
My entire body hasn’t moved an inch since he opened his mouth.I can’t let on that I know who he’s talking about or that this is the worst possible plan.I have to get word to Vitaly and Pru.I have to find Nolia and get her the fuck out of here.
I knew her father was involved somehow, but they will never, ever let him walk out of that gate alive.And sending him to Vitaly to make the hit is as good as a death sentence.
Fuck, Marco knows I’m with Nolia.He has to.
“How can I help?”I say, and I’m shocked at how calm I sound.
“Oh, you’ve done plenty,” he says, his sadistic grin growing by the second.“In fact, why don’t you go back to your room and rest.”He stands from his seat, and so do I.“I think after your night in the boathouse you could use some sleep.”
The doors to the office open up behind me, and four guards walk in at the same time.Two of them are armed and pointing their guns in my direction.I turn around to face Marco, and he’s nodding to his men.
“Let’s not make a scene, shall we?Once this business with Vitaly is over, you’ll have proved your true loyalty.”
“If you really wanted me to prove it, you’d send me to do the job.”I’m desperately searching my brain for a way out of this.
“I think it’s better this way.This way you don’t get a chance to tip off your old boss before the job is finished.You can stay in your room and wait for it to be over.”He straightens his jacket before checking his watch.“And don’t worry about the gardener's daughter.We all like to slum it on occasion.In fact, I think I might see what all the fuss is about before I get rid of her.”
“Marco—” I start to say, but he’s already striding out of the room.
I’ve got two choices.Either I fight now and hope that I can take out these four men and who knows how many in the hallway.Or I play nice and get to my room.From there I can try and find a way out and get to Nolia.
As much as I want to rage, I know the smart move is to play it cool.If I show emotion, he’ll know this whole thing has been a lie, and it could get everyone killed.
“Lead the way,” I say to the soldiers and walk casually back to my room.
My dad is up to something.I can tell by his mood.He may think he's hiding it from me, but I can sense it.I’m sure he can tell I’m off too.He hasn't mentioned that I didn’t come home the night before, and he had to know.Still, neither one of us is mentioning it.
“Hey, sweetheart.”My dad knocks on my own door, and I notice he’s not dressed in his normal jeans and shirt.He’s wearing black pants and a black shirt.
“You’re going somewhere,” I say before he can.
“I have a few things I need to handle.”He comes in to sit down on the bed next to me.
“What do you have to handle?”My dad never goes anywhere.Not even to visit my aunt, his sister.He calls her from time to time, but that’s about it.I swear this place has an invisible chain on him.
“Just some things.”I hate how vague he’s being.It’s making me paranoid.“I’ve been thinking about what you said.”