Page 9 of Klaz
“Hey!” she protested, struggling. “What do you think you’re doing?”
I held her tighter, my body curling protectively around hers. “That’s not a light show,” I growled. “It’s laser fire. We’re under attack.”
The alarms blared, shattering the elegant atmosphere of the promenade. My heart leapt into my throat as a crisp, automated voice cut through the chaos:
“Attention all passengers. This is not a drill. We are under attack by hostile forces. Please proceed calmly to your designated safety pods while our security team takes care of this inconvenience. Crew members will guide you. Do not attempt to return to your cabins. I repeat, this is not a drill.”
Panicked screams erupted around us. The serene starscape beyond the viewing windows erupted in flashes of weapons fire.
Were these just warning shots? A display of force to get the ship’s security team to stand down quickly?
Or was each laser blast carefully calculated to take down a part of the ship’s systems?
My mind raced, years of survival instincts kicking into overdrive.
“Time to move,” Klaz growled, his powerful hand wrapping around my upper arm.
I nodded, allowing him to guide me through the growing throng of terrified passengers. The crowd surged towards the exit, a mass of bodies all driven by primal fear.
If it was this bad here, with just a small group of the passengers, how bad was the chaos in the rest of the ship?
Where was the security team, anyway? Were they so complacent by the Empyrean Explorer’s status that they’d been caught off guard?
“Wait!” A shrill voice cut through the din. “My jewelry! I can’t leave it behind!”
What now?
A huddle of Kolluskians blocked the main corridor.
“Please,” a crew member pleaded, “you must evacuate immediately!”
“Not without our things! We have to get back to our cabins!” One of the Kolluskians, an elderly female, clutched a bejeweled necklace to her chest.
Frustration made me want to scream. Here I was, usually the one taking advantage of rich idiots like this, and now their stubbornness threatened my own skin. But as I watched the panic spreading, an idea sparked.
I broke free from Klaz’s grip and approached the Kulluskians, donning my most convincing smile.
“Darlings,” I cooed, affecting an air of aristocratic authority. “There’s no need to fret. Didn’t you hear about the special vault?”
The Kolluskians turned to me, confusion momentarily replacing fear on their reptilian features.
“What vault?” The elderly female demanded.
I leaned in conspiratorially. “Why, the emergency vault, of course. It’s a standard feature on luxury liners like this. Everything you’ve put in the safe in your cabin has been automatically moved. There’s a secure storage area right next to the escape pods, specifically designed to protect valuables during, shall we say, unexpected events. “
The Kolluskians exchanged glances, their grip on their precious baubles loosening ever so slightly.
“But... but the crew didn’t mention...” One stammered.
I waved a dismissive hand. “Oh please, they can’t advertise it openly. Think of the insurance liability! But I assure you, your treasures will be quite safe. Now, shall we?”
I gestured towards the exit, hoping. Were they going to call my bluff?
Then, slowly, they began to move.
“Well... I suppose...” The elderly female muttered, allowing herself to be guided forward by a crew member.