Page 98 of The Check Down
Although, who am I to judge? My middle name is freakingAmethyst.
Take-no-prisoners Brynn is here to play. “How do you two know each other?”
Her dark eyes swim with unease as she blinks at my boyfriend, her mouth gaping.
He answers for her. “We knew each other when I lived in Nashville.”
Well played, Racy.
I clench my fist so hard in my pocket I’m sure my nails leave half-moons on my palm.
Likely sensing my wrath, Harmony titters a nervous laugh. “I should probably go find my date. Griffin, it was good to see you. And, uh, nice to meet you.” She scurries away like a mouse after a crumb.
Smart girl. Clearly her fight-or-flight response is in working order.
I spin to face him, crossing my arms over my thick coat.
Griffin is oblivious. “Baby, I missed you.” He grips my hips to pull me close, but I don’t budge.
“You knew each other in Nashville, huh?”
He tilts his head, blinks at me. “Yeah?” He drags out the word, like he doesn’t get it. Which makes me even angrier.
I set my chin and wait for the light bulb moment.
When it happens, though, it’s not what I expect. “Professor, are youjealous?” The tone is both incredulous and teasing. The accompanying grin, too. Clearly, my boyfriend isn’t reading the room. He finds this humorous while I’m upset and, yes, jealous.
I crane my neck, surveying the lights of downtown as they grow closer. “I’m going to wait downstairs. Have fun with your friends.”
He calls my name but doesn’t stop me as I walk away. And that only makes me feel worse.
For the rest of the night, I sit at a table with Carlos and Gina. I’d rather be alone, but I can’t stomach the idea of Jack catching me by myself, so I feign interest in their conversation. I’d love a glass of wine, but the bar closed twenty minutes ago.
The car ride back to the apartment is tense and awkward. Griffin must’ve clued Beau in because he and Paige are mostly silent, too.
Once we’ve said good night to our friends, we trudge up the stairs. I’m hurt and angry and sad. My chest aches, and my eyes burn from forcing my tears to recede.
This night started on such a high, and I hate that we’re ending it like this.
Griffin shrugs off his coat and drapes it over the back of the couch. He twists my way, focus fixed on me, and begins rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. Even though I’m upset with him, the action makes my mouth go dry.Damn it.
His jaw ticks as he works on the other sleeve.
Holy hell. He’s angry.
I’ve never seen him this angry. The seething makes my pulse pound. But not from fear.
Finally, my throat remembers how to swallow, and I find my voice. “I’m going to grab my stuff and sleep upstairs tonight.” Exhaustion weighs down my limbs. All I want to do is curl up and cry.
“The fuck you are.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
Anger flares, momentarily pushing the defeat away. I slam my clutch on the bar. “You’re mad at me? I found you with another woman tonight, and you’re mad atme?”
“Baby, I’m fucking furious.”
With a scoff, I consider removing my shoes.
In case I need to throw them at him.