Page 148 of Wolf's Mark
He was close, watching me.
Encouraging me.
Teasing me as he so loved to do.
I stepped lightly over brush as I tried to find him, the light breeze skipping across my skin. I’d purposely worn a white dress. This was a wedding of sorts, after all. My skin prickled from his close presence, but I was determined to keep him in suspense.
So I took off running through the woods. He didn’t move at first, taking his time to watch me, enjoying the sight of me attempting to get away.
Of course he would hunt me as he’d always promised to do. But the big wolf waited, allowing me to feel free in the moment.
I knew the instant he began the hunt, moving silently through the trees as he trailed behind me.
I ran faster, darting in between trees and jumping over foliage. The darkness was no issue and not because of the incredible full moon high overhead. This was the most freeing feeling I’d ever experienced.
He was getting closer, refusing to allow me to get away. I laughed nervously, throwing constant looks over my shoulder. Seconds later, I noticed his incredible eyes, so bright and luminous they glowed.
“You can run, little wolf. But I will find you.”
His words spoken out loud were like smooth velvet brushing against my skin. When he threw back his head and howled, a series of red-hot shivers danced down my spine. I was wet and shivering from the intense arousal that had a firm grip on every inch of me.
I continued running until there was sudden and complete quiet.
No wind.
No night creatures.
No howls.
Just the darkness and the earth beneath my feet.
But he was there, suddenly right behind me. I remained where I was, my breathing scattered. Excitement roared through me as he approached.
The man I loved.
My friend.
My lover.
My mate.
“You’ve been a very bad girl,” he stated in his sensual husky voice.
“Always. I’ll need to punish you.”
“Really? I’m such a good girl.” I was still quivering, and when he rolled the tips of his fingers down my arm, I was certain I’d have an orgasm.
“So beautiful, but so out of touch with reality.” He could always make me laugh even though on this gorgeous night I was still nervous, the sound reflecting it.
I was suddenly driven against the largest and oldest tree in the forest. Before I could object or say a single word, he jerked up my dress, ripping my thong to shreds.
Moaning, I embraced the tree, wrapping my arms around it. I wasn’t surprised when I heard a sharp snap of his wrist a split second before he brought down the switch I’d sensed in his hand.
The whooshing sound was exhilarating as he repeated the action three more times, crisscrossing my bottom as he did so. Yes, there was blistering pain at first, but I was so turned on I couldn’t think straight.