Page 45 of Wolf's Mark
“That’s what I’m saying.”
I was furious that I’d been used, but she was lying. I was as certain of that as I was the man hadn’t been some scientific experiment gone wrong.
“I will also need to make arrangements to gather your report and any additional data you collected from the autopsy. We want everything and I do mean everything. I’ll send some people to obtain what you have. Make certain you do not share your findings with anyone. It’s a matter of national security. Do you understand? Doing so would be considered an act of treason.”
She was warning me. Or perhaps I could say threatening me. Great.
“Oh, I get it. I’ll stay away from reporters on purpose just because you’re being so nice. Not a problem. Do me a favor, Agent Drummand. Don’t contact me again.” I issued a little warning of my own.
Her hiss was slight, but I heard it and smiled.
“I understand.”
“I hope you do.” After the call ended, I dropped my head into my hands. Why did I have a feeling this nightmare was only going to continue? Before heading to the examination room to continue cleanup, I walked into Daphne’s office. “Daphne. I’m going to send you the report and the photographs I took as well. Make copies for me and take them off site or keep them with you.”
“The FBI breathing down your neck?”
“Something like that.”
“I refuse to call you saying that there’s an emergency with Britney. That’s one of the oldest tricks in the book and guess what? Men know what you’re doing. They never buy the babysitter-calls-with-emergency bit any longer,” Mattie said in her usual demanding way.
“They do if you want it convincingly!” A damn driver honked at me, suddenly riding my bumper. If I wasn’t going nearly eighty miles per hour and climbing, I would have happily stepped on my brakes. I needed a new car anyway.
“Bullshit, and you’re not getting out of this that easily. You agreed to the date. Remember?”
“I was… coerced.” Bullshit, but I couldn’t admit how excited I was to my bestie. She’d never let me live it down. “Just do it, pretty please?”
When the jerk pulled around me, shooting me the finger, I couldn’t help pressing the window button and screaming at him, “Back at you, son of a bitch.”
“Jesus, girl. You need some anger management classes,” Mattie suggested, laughing.
“I’ve had a tough week.” I’d been almost completely unprepared for the group of six men, all in dark suits like they were some hot dudes fromMen in Blackarriving unannounced. They’d swarmed the office, immediately searching for every scrap of information from the autopsy. They’d kept me at arm’s length, yanking open every drawer and cabinet. Including looking into my personal things.
I’d had a blip of a second to glance at Daphne, thankfully confirming she’d managed to make copies of everything prior to their arrival.
The jerks had even scrubbed my phone, almost removing pictures of my baby. That’s what had really pissed me off.
“Boo-hoo, girl. Suck it up and enjoy your night. Maybe all night. Va-voom.”
“Stop it. I don’t know him that well. Please, just call me. You don’t need to mention Britney. Just that… there’s an issue. You can make something up.”
Her silence was unnerving. She had a way of making me feel so small when she was thinking of the perfect words to chastise me. “You didn’t mention Britney to him. Did you?”
The guy would have needed to be blind not to notice her room. Although it had been dark and we’d both had something else onour minds. “It hasn’t come up yet. I’ve had one drink with him and he dropped me off, not even coming inside.”
Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.
Great. Now I was singing to myself in my head about all my bad deeds.
“Uh-huh,” Mattie snapped. “Fine, I’ll text you, but you’ll need to take it from there. I won’t do all your dirty work for you. But I will never speak to you again if you come home a little while later.”
“Nah. You love me. Remember?”
“You’re such a putz. Go enjoy your night. Goodbye.”