Page 69 of Wolf's Mark
“It would appear that way,” she said. Agent Drummand was very stressed at this point, her upper lip covered in perspiration. “Every agency across the United States is on high alert since the murder victims are increasing in number.”
“And they’re coming back to life, which is how this group of beasts is procreating, so to speak.” I was trying to make an educated guess even though the entire situation was beginning to seem like a bad joke.
Or a horrible nightmare I couldn’t wake from.
This time she nodded.
“Let me guess. There’s nothing that can stop them. Not silver bullets?” I was ready to burst into laughter. If I hadn’t seen the shift with my own eyes, I’d think this was a total practical joke. Nothing like this was possible.
She didn’t catch the reference. “If their heads are removed, they will remain dead. I don’t know that to be true. It’s been assumed.”
“Assumed? You don’t know if they can die.”
Agent Drummand shook her head.
“What the hell does your great group of men and women know?”
“That they are dangerous and no one is safe,” she admitted.
That could be the truest thing she’d said.
“Uh-huh. Well, you should have told me. I have a rusty but useful machete in the back of one of my closets. I could have used that.”
“This isn’t funny, Doctor. The men are going to lock the latest victim in a tank he can’t escape from so we can finally get a handle on what we’re dealing with.”
“No, it’s sick and not possible. Good luck with that. I watched on that video as the reanimated form ripped the hinges off a steel door. I highly doubt you have anything strong enough to contain anyone with superhuman strength.”
“Trust me. I didn’t think anything like this was possible either. I never believed in any paranormal activity. But you were there. You know what you saw. That dead body came back to life. Yes? There is no denying that.”
I exhaled and thumped back against my seat. “At this point, I don’t know what to think. Let me guess. The full moon requires them to shift.” I almost laughed out loud again. This entire theory was bullshit.
“I don’t know. All I know is that the murders occurred at night.”
The conversation was getting laborious.
“Okay, fine. What is being done to stop these creatures?”
“I’m not privy to that, but I have heard we don’t know enough about their DNA or how they think to determine a plan. We’re getting the military involved.”
I’d seriously had enough. “I realize what I witnessed is highly unusual and at this point, something I can’t explain. However, I highly doubt this is some bad type of werewolf. There is an explanation and it’s all scientific.” I managed to stand without her grabbing my arm this time. I couldn’t stomach anything else.
It felt as if I’d hallucinated the entire thing.
“The other group of wolves, the Wolfen as they are called, might be able to provide some light. They are highly secretive and will refuse to talk. That’s the problem.”
“One of many it would seem. Well, just call them up and you’ll have your answers. Then you won’t need me.”
“As I said, they are private, secretive. No one can get close to them. Finally, we got a break and think we know of a group, but we’re also not one hundred percent certain.”
The great FBI could possibly be persecuting a group of innocent people.
I cocked my head, making a slight face. “Well, then I don’t know what to tell you. I certainly don’t have an in. I don’t know any Wolfen and at this point, I don’t want to learn who they are.”
Before she tried to flag me down, I headed to the door. I noticed in the reflection in the window that she was right behind me barely four steps later.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Doctor Willis. Take this. You’ll understand more.”
“Last time I’m going to say this to you. After I finish with the tests, I’m finished. I will not help you again. Get it?”