Page 7 of Wolf's Mark
“Do not think we don’t have enemies lurking in the shadows. They are fierce and increasing in numbers. As I mentioned, our strength is dwindling along with our numbers. We must persevere. We will not succumb to the treachery of evil ways.”
Riker’s eyebrows suddenly furrowed as he turned toward me. “Is he going nuts or what? What freaking enemies is he talking about?”
I had no clue. Although I sensed our mother did.
“As of this moment, all Wolfen/human breeding is prohibited. All Alphas will be required to find their fated mate.”
If it hadn’t been for my keen hearing, I wouldn’t have been able to hear what the man was saying. There wasn’t a Wolfen alive who liked to be told what to do.
“Fated mate?” Chase repeated. “That’s crazy.”
“I’ll say,” Riker added. “The man better watch his back.”
Cane continued talking although at this point, all I could hear was a buzzing sound. I found myself walking closer, pushing my way through the crowd toward the front of the stage.
“Why?” My voice boomed above the others. I had that ability when needed.
Other Wolfen began to turn in my direction.
“Why?” Cane repeated, shielding his eyes from the early afternoon sun as he searched the crowd, locking eyes with mine.
“Yes, what aren’t you telling us? There must be a reason that you’re destroying the precious way of life for so many of your kind. So what is it?”
I’d made Cane nervous with my question. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my mother cautioning me. I also read her mind, begging me to stop for now.
“Answer his question!” Chase yelled from the back.
Cane was very anxious, a true surprise. The council was hiding something and was completely unprepared to provide the information.
As with all Elders, he was able to mask his thoughts when desired, preventing me from learning what I needed to know.
“Yours is not to question, Alpha Wolf.”
Our surname indicated how old my family was, which should mean we were respected, even revered. That wasn’t always the case. We were thought of as high and mighty. It was ridiculous since there was no throne, but the belief lived in the group today.
“I will ask what is necessary until I obtain the truth, Elder Evans. Now, why must we boost our numbers? An enemy? If so, what are we talking about?”
He brought down a gavel as others in the group began to shout. “That is enough. The reformation will be signed into law later today. It will remain in place for twenty-five years. If you are already married and with family, you are allowed to maintain your relationship. If engaged, you must break it off. That is all.”
“What the fuck was that?” Riker huffed from beside me.
“I don’t know, brother, but I have a very bad feeling.”
“I do not belong here.” I had to yell over the bouncing drumbeats.
“Stop it,” Mattie chastised. “You look fabulous, darling.”
“Fabulous? I look like I was wrapped in bloody Saran wrap.” The dress was bright red and hugged every curve with such ferocity I could barely breathe.
“Stop it,” Camille yelled, which was two octaves above her usual whisper.
I was shocked she’d agreed to come out tonight. She hated dance clubs with a passion. She was the true epitome of an accountant. Yes, I was stereotyping.
“More drinks, please, bartender!” Shelly was in her element, acting as if she didn’t have a care in the world.