Page 14 of Broken Hearts
No one asks about her or the shop though, and I’m glad because honestly, I’m not really sure what answer to give them.
By the time we’re closing up, I can tell Alana is practically chomping at the bit to get out there, and I can’t help but smile, glad today is back to normal, even if we are just surfing.
“We heading out?” I ask her, a smile on my face because I already know the answer.
“Hell yes!” she says, clapping her hands together. “Sage, you wanna come surf with us?” she now asks, turning to Sage.
“Oh, no, thank you,” Sage says, offering a small smile. “I actually can’t surf.”
I swallow down my surprise and the snarky comment I want to make about how the hell the daughter of Mitch Harris could possiblynotknow how to surf. I feel like that’s something that Mitch would never let slide and once again, I can’t help but wonder what the fuck happened between them.
“Oh, I can teach you!” Alana cries. “On my next day off, I’ll give you some tips!” She smiles at Sage before heading out the back to change, clearly not caring what Sage’s thoughts are on that.
I take advantage of the fact she’s gone as I turn to Sage. “So, some people will be over tonight,” I say, tipping my head toward the yard at the back of the shop. “We’ll try not to be too loud.”
I don’t bother inviting her, nor do I explain any more, as I turn and head over to my place to change and grab my board.
“To Mitch,” Kai says for the third time tonight as he holds his Corona out, waiting for each of us.
“To Mitch,” I repeat, tapping my bottle against his. Miles and Tanner do the same, echoing the toast.
We all take a long swig in silence, the four of us staring into the lit firepit as we try to ignore the empty seat beside me that was always occupied by Mitch.
I don’t know when this tradition actually started, probably long before I came along. But for as long as I can remember, every Wednesday evening would find the five of us sitting around drinking beers and talking about the waves we’d caught.
Tanner and Mitch were best friends. They’d grown up surfing together, and when Tanner started his business making surfboards, Mitch opened the shop that would stock and sell them. Miles and Kai are Tanner’s sons, working with him in the board shop. They have known Mitch their entire lives, and when I came to work at The Pipe Dream and live in the guesthouse, I became friends with them too.
I have no idea what Sage thinks about the four of us sitting by the fire drinking. I haven’t seen her since I got back from surfing with Alana. I’m not even sure she’s upstairs in the apartment, although considering she knows no one but us, I don’t know where else she could be. Maybe she’s hanging out with Alana again.
“So, what’s gonna happen with this place?” Kai asks, giving my foot a nudge.
“Dunno,” I shrug.
“Maybe you can just take over,” Tanner says. “Run the place like Mitch probably always expected you to.”
I take a long pull of my beer, having no clue if that’s what Mitch ever expected from me, especially considering he never even told me he had a daughter. I haven’t asked Tanner if he knew about Sage, haven’t mentioned her at all. But considering the comment he just made about the shop, maybe he doesn’t know.
Still, that doesn’t mean Mitch would just leave this place to me. I was always close to him, but I always assumed that was because of the fact I lived in his guesthouse, not because he had any allegiance or whatever to me. He might have saved me from a whole heap of shit back when I was younger, but I’m certain that was always a bigger deal for me than it was for him.
“Dunno,” I say again, just as Sage now walks around the side of the building.
And it’s like she’s a fucking magnet for everyone’s eyes, which all turn to her, openly staring at this gorgeous blonde woman who has just walked into the backyard, dressed in a pair of tiny shorts and a tank, her iPhone flashlight once again lighting her way.
“Well, hey, pretty lady,” Kai calls.
Sage looks up, a small smile on her face. “Hi, sorry, not intruding, just going upstairs.”
“Nah, don’t go,” Kai now says. “Come join us.”
Anger curls in my gut at her presence, even as I feel the look Tanner shoots me, the one that is both curious and surprised and just a tiny bit relieved. I ignore it, my eyes never leaving Sage, who stands nervously by the stairs.
Why the fuck is she here? Why is she messing up everything?
I’m out of my chair before I’ve even finished my thought, crossing the yard toward Sage, intent on telling her to go. To just pack her bags and leave. She sees me coming, taking a step back into the shadows as an uneasy look crosses her face.
“I’m sorry, I…” she starts.
“Why are you here?” I ask, my words low. I have no idea who this woman really is or why she’s come into my world and turned it upside down, but I need some answers.