Page 87 of Naughty & Nice
Hendrix wants me to as well.
He’s so fucking curious about all of this. If the situation weren’t so hot, it would almost be cute.
The marshmallow leaves a sweet, sticky trail on her bottom lip, one I’m desperate to lick away, but I refrain for now.
The creak of the couch behind me doesn’t come as a surprise. It was only a matter of time before we cracked Hendrix’s resolve to come a little closer.
“Are you going to take it?” I ask, my voice deep and raspy before I push the pillow of sweetness into her mouth.
Her eyelids lower as the sugar explodes on her tongue, and she groans in appreciation, but she doesn’t get to fully enjoy it because Hendrix appears beside her.
His fingers grip her chin and he turns her head to face him. My own lips part in time with his before he leans forward and does exactly what I was craving.
He licks across her lips, sucking the sweetness from her equally as sweet skin before diving in for a kiss.
I sit there on the floor in front of the fire, unable to do anything but watch them make out.
Their tongues twist and the sound of their lips smacking rivals the crackling of the fire.
It’s hot. So fucking hot.
I’m not sure if Hendrix has found his confidence, or if it’s the mix of vodka shots and beer, but he doesn’t so much as hesitate as he reaches out and cups Noelle’s breast, pinching her nipple through the fabric.
She gasps and he deepens the kiss further.
It ends almost as fast as it started, leaving both of them, and me, breathless.
“She needs more,” Hendrix demands before plucking another marshmallow from the bag and pushing it onto the stick that I’m still holding between us.
“Don’t you think she’s sweet enough?” I tease as I move it toward the fire.
“Not quite,” Rix muses, not taking his eyes off Noelle for a single second.
Noelle doesn’t say a word; something tells me that she’s too lost in her lust fog to really decipher what’s happening.
Instead, she reaches for her abandoned stick and grabs another marshmallow.
Music from my cell continues filling the air around us as we watch our marshmallows toast.
Once mine is done, I hold it up between Noelle and Hendrix.
Rix shakes his head. He’s never really been one for sweet treats. Noelle and I, though…
She leans forward, her lips parting, and I do the same. With our eyes locked, we both take a bite of the same marshmallow, our lips only millimeters apart.
My heart slams against my ribs, my entire body screaming at me to kiss her.
The taste I had a few minutes ago was nowhere near enough.
Hendrix watches us, his eyes burning almost as hot as the fire.
Suddenly, he reaches out and snatches the stick and the remainder of the marshmallow from me.
“Kiss her,” he demands roughly, giving me little choice but to dive right into what I need.
We might have got a little dirty at Halloween, but I didn’t kiss her.
I want to say that it was a conscious decision, but it wasn’t.