Page 17 of The Monster's Mate
“F—” his voice cuts abruptly, aware that we have to be quiet, and his tentacles writhe on the bed.
“Oooh,” I whisper. “I love this. I love the way you react, I love the way you taste, I love everything about it.”
“Not much of this,” he whispers back. “Not sure we can keep quiet at this rate.”
I laugh softly, but my mouth is full of cock and it comes out like a vibration against his skin.
He groans and shudders, his tentacles frantic, and that makes me chuckle again.
“Sorry, sweet Lucy,” he whispers, and hauls me up from where I’m crouched over his cock. “Not while we have to be quiet.”
I’d like to say to hell with being quiet. Let them all wonder what we’re doing in here, but part of me thinks I might regret that tomorrow.
Two tentacles wind under my arms and over my shoulders, one comes around my waist and I’m maneuvered up quickly, poised with his cock at the slick entrance to my body. The show of strength is overwhelming and I lean backward, letting him support me as I arch my back slightly, my breasts thrusting out.
He leans up, his claws digging into my hips, and sucks the tip of one into his hot, wet mouth.
I slide down, feeling his cock as it penetrates the lips of my pussy, feeling them stretch and separate around him. The sensation is odd but wonderful and I sink down another inch. God, we feel so connected like this—like one being, and I’d like to ask him if it feels so magnificent on his end, but we have to be so quiet.
Tilting my hips sinks me down a little more and it feels so exquisitely full inside, but I’m so greedy I want more. He’s guiding me with his hands on my hips and I love the darker color of his hands on my lighter skin, which I can see when the curtain flutters from the window. Such a gorgeous contrast.
Before I know it, I’m seated fully on him, his cock locked deep inside me. I stare down at where we connect like I can see the magic there, but of course, I can only squeeze my sheath and feel him inside.
He traces a pattern on top of my leg. “It looks perfect,” he whispers. “Connected like this.”
Then he grips my hips and moves me back and forth.
I’m breathing hard, he’s breathing hard and the same tightening as earlier begins deep inside me. I start grinding down onto him, craving even more. And like he senses it, he reaches out and uses his thumb to rub circles on my clit.
I love this—I love giving pleasure to one another.
He loses control first, his fingers tightening to the point of pain on my thighs, his back arching slightly, and a look of ecstasy that roves over his face before I’m filled with a throbbing liquid heat. The temperature change flings me into another exploding orgasm, rolling over me, tingling my limbs, making me jerk and twitch in his hold. When I’m spent, I collapse onto his chest.
Chapter Five
I softly tuck the blanket around the gorgeous female. Her eyelids flutter, but she doesn’t wake.
Much as I hate to tear myself from her arms, the others tiptoeing around in the kitchen will get suspicious if I don’t head in there—especially if Lucy and I show up at the same time, or if she blushes or avoids looking at me.
After a quick stop in the bathroom to wash up, I find Maman and my two sisters in the kitchen.
“Skiden, my beautiful boy, did you sleep well?” Maman’s eyes are shrewd, the clever female.
“Mmm, I did. The size of Bel’s ex made for a comfortable bed.” I ignore Isabel’s sharp elbow in my ribs.
“Don’t speak ill of the dead,” she hisses, which is rather comical. I can’t help but smile and she shares the grin. Her ex was abrinyiak—or as she says, bastard—and deserves to toss and turn in his cold grave.
“Looks like there’s a message for you on the communicator,” River says, eyeing it on the counter. There should be, I’d sent one last night.
I flip through it, read the reply concerning Lucy, and confirm the time to pick up the females. I quickly type out a request to stay longer, along with additional food and he responds back immediately.
Isabel slides the back doors open and takes out their three bags. “Did you bring anything?” she asks me when she comes back in.
“No, but Mikhail will bring me a few things.” As all three look up at me, I continue. “I’m not returning with you. Mikhail is a little worried about Lucy being alone. He wants to make sure she’s safe for a while longer.”
The grins across all their faces match in size.