Page 39 of The Monster's Mate
“Good morning,mieka.”
“Good morning, handsome.” I smile lazily. I should be sleepy considering how many times we made love. Instead, I feel energized.
“It was nice not to have to be quiet last night.”
He chuckles. “You can scream in my ear canals whenever you wish, female. What’s on the agenda for the day?”
I grin, so happy he’s here. “We can work in the garden. My neighbors are out of town this week, so perfect timing for you.”
We shower together and it’s long and languid and leads to more lovemaking. I love this. We know every inch of each other’s bodies now, know what each response means and it’s magical to share together. We finally make it outside and I show him how to water which plants and which areas need weeding. We work side by side, like we can’t stand to be away from one another.
“Bel has slept with Bronan finally,” Skiden says.
“What? Is she pregnant?” I can’t help the huge grin. Isabel’s always wanted babies. Finally getting to meet River seemed to make that urge even stronger.
“Well, we don’t know yet. They spent two days locked up together before coming down for the dinner that caused all the trouble. Apparently, my brother had the mindset to get her into bed after that Earth trip she took.”
I snicker. “That’s usually how it works. Probably what your mother banked on when she brought the girls all this way.” And then something dawns on me. I can feel the smile drop from my face and my eyes go round. “Skiden. I need something, too. Everyone knows that Earth women are getting knocked up by your people. And I’m sleeping with you! I need some protection from pregnancy.” Good Lord. What if I were to get with child?
“It’s okay. I’ll talk to Mikhail. We’ll get you something compatible for humans, okay? Until then, I’ll pull out.” He winces, because we both think of all the times he hasn’t pulled out. He cups my face, seeing the terror in my eyes. “Lucy, it’ll be all right. I won’t let anything happen to you, love. I promise.”
“I might already be—”
His mouth on mine quiets me. Finally, when my lips are tingling, he lifts his head. “No matter what, I’ll take care of you. I promise. But there’s no sense in worrying over something that may not be, okay?”
Bemused with the kiss, I shake my head. Am I still worried that I might be pregnant? Of course. But then he does something surprising. He takes my hand and leads me back into the house, and then very carefully, over the kitchen sink, washes my hands for me.
Like he means it when he says he’ll take care of me.
He takes a towel and carefully blots, taking care to dry each finger, then rubs lotion onto my skin. When we’re done, he pushes a button on the tiny box that he calls a com, and asks for someone named Calbin, explains that he’s worried I might be pregnant and asks if Calbin can check remotely.
“I can check her HCG levels,” the voice says. “So, you’ll have some peace of mind right now. When we come that way later, we’ll bring oral contraceptives and do a full exam.”
“That would work perfectly,” Skiden says.
“Hold the laser to the soft skin under her arm. Or her lower belly. Whichever is convenient.”
Skiden takes my arm and flips it over, runs the device from wrist to elbow back and forth a few times.
“Negative levels,” the voice says. “You’re both good. We’ll do a full exam soon and bring the pills, okay? We should have someone in that area tomorrow.”
“We appreciate it,” Skiden says.
Just like that, the scare is over. I’m left blinking up at him.
“You see, little love? I’ll take care of you, no matter what.”
“B-but—” I don’t really know what I’m going to say, other than I’m completely, totally bemused over what’s happened. I’ve never had someone drop everything to take care of me. Well, Sam would, but that’s different. She’s my cousin. And Skiden?
What is Skiden? Skiden is…
Oh. My. God.
“I love you,” I blurt out, and then cover my mouth, horrified. I’m not sure how it happened, but it did. Love snuck up on me when I least expected it.
“I know you do. I’ve loved you since the first day you left me outside to battle the vicious underground sprinkler system.” Another kiss and this crazy day slowly goes back to normal.
“You’re the one who got into a fight with his brother. I’m supposed to make you feel better,” I whisper.