Page 36 of Mind Games
“I think sucking my cock every night more than covers it, baby,” he said with a raised eyebrow.
I giggled and moved to sit on Daddy’s lap.
“I love being your dirty girl,” I said as I snuggled into him.
Daddy kissed me softly on my lips, and I placed my hand on his stubbled cheek and kissed him back. He deepened the kiss and playfully traced his tongue over my lips before softly slipping his tongue against mine. I sighed when he pulled away from me.
“You never demand anything from me, Daisy, and it makes me want to give you the world,” he said as he stared into my eyes.
His words were passionate, and I could see the love in his eyes for me. I hoped he liked my present for him. It was a simple vase inscribed with Daddy’s Choice at the front. He could put different notes inside it with suggestions of what he wanted to do to me or what he wanted me to do for him. Daddy had many dark desires, and I wanted him to be open with me without considering my past.
“Open your present, baby,” he said as he nodded towards the box.
“But it’s Christmas Eve,” I said.
“You get to open one present early every year,” he said with a smile.
I immediately sat up excitedly and clambered off Daddy’s lap, ignoring his chuckle. I tugged at the red bow, but when my eyes caught the holes in the box, I quickly yanked the lid off and saw a light sandy-coloured puppy with a black snout and dark eyes. Its ears flopped down. They were the same light colouring, but the tips were black. My heart melted at its cuteness. I couldn't speak, so I gently picked the puppy up with tears streaming down my face. The pup began to lick my face, and I was a goner after that.
“My adorable little darling,” I crooned as I cradled her against my chest. “Oh, Daddy, she is perfect. Thank you!”
“It’s a boy, baby,” he said as he placed his arm around me. “He is an Anatolian Shepherd dog. He is going to rip anyone apart if someone tries to hurt you.”
“No! Look at this little angel. He wouldn't hurt a fly,” I cried out, defending my angel.
“He has one of the strongest dog bites and will be almost a metre tall once he is fully grown. He will need to get some training, though,” Daddy said while he stroked my baby’s head.
I looked at Daddy because he was precisely like the puppy, innocent-looking but could come with a sharp bite.
“Can I call him Bear?” I asked, thinking of Pooh Bear and a Grizzly Bear combination.
“You can call him whatever you want, baby. I think we should buy a house in the countryside. They need a lot of exercise, and I don't want you out on the streets if I am at work.”
“I don't care where we live, Daddy, as long as we are together,” I said as I climbed back onto his lap.
“Oh, we will always be together, Daisy. I’m going to make sure the next house has a large basement in case you ever try to leave me,” he growled.
I glanced at his fierce expression and shook my head at him.
There was his sexy psychotic bite.
By March, we had moved into the large countryside manor. Bear loved the large estate to roam around on, and Daddy loved that it had a basement. As for me, I loved the fact that Daddy renovated the entire attic as our bedroom.
I never returned to my flat, but Daddy organised everything for me. He got me a new phone but gave me my debit card back. Since he added me to most of his accounts, I didn't see the point of having mine.
I took it to painting, and Daddy encouraged me to pursue it. He thought I could sell some, but I think he needed to get his eyes tested. My suggestion landed me over his lap with a delicious spanking.
The estate was eerily silent without the background noise of a city, but I grew to appreciate the peaceful environment. Especially since we were surrounded by nature. Bear became my companion and confidant. He never judged me for half the shit that came out of my mouth.
I had a niggling suspicion that Daddy was jealous of my relationship with Bear. I knew this because I felt as if I was cheating on Daddy by having sessions with Bear. The looks Daddy would give Bear when he came and rested his head on my lap or sat beside me was a dead giveaway.
The only thing that played on my mind was Violet’s trial. Daddy told me that my half-brother was fine on his own since Tom’s life insurance policy was paid out to him. I had no idea how Daddy found out, and I didn't want to know.
Violet needed to remain in prison. The pictures I’d seen of her online only showed her unflattering evil side. Tom was dead, and I hoped he suffered immensely before he died.
I could put Violet’s trial verdict out of my mind in another few weeks.