Page 10 of Everything I Need
We both smile at each other; I can feel my anger leaving quicker than I intended it to. After my conversation with Addy last night, I am seeing the situation differently, maybe I need to let my hurt go. Not that I trust him.
We were together for years before, hell, I thought we would be married by now. After talking to Addy, I see that I was so sensitive to the situation with Dad that I didn’t stop and listen in the hospital. Furthermore, I should have answered him when he kept trying to reach me, begging to let him explain in person. It’s really partly my own fault that there is this anger between us. God, self-realization sucks.
“Scarlett, your coffee is ready!” Connie yelled from the register. Connie has been working here since I was a little girl. She’s kind of like everyone’s grandma, always here to listen and offer a milkshake.
I hurry over to grab the coffees and then walk back to Preston.
“Listen, I know we have some issues, but here’s my cell number. If you want my help, give me a call, or send me a text.” I hand him an old business card with my cell number on it.
“Yeah. That sounds great. I certainly don’t need time to think, if you’re truly offering. I’m desperate for help. I’m actually free until after lunch today if you have the time to come to the office and chat.” He seems hesitant even though he said he doesn’t need time to think about it. As if he is having the same internal debate with himself that I am. Can we let go of the past to help each other professionally?
“I can work that into my schedule. I’ll be there around eleven?”
He doesn’t need to know that my schedule includes binging Netflix, and ice cream on the couch while I wallow about my current situation.
“Perfect. I don’t have a patient until about one this afternoon.” He smiles, and I remember what made me fall for Preston, those memories creeping in and taking over the place of the anger I feel.
Preston’s smile was one of the first things that drew me to him. We were both in the library studying late into the night. I was staring at him, and not paying attention to what I was doing, so of course I knocked over the entire stack of books on my table. Preston came over to help me pick them up and when our hands touched, I felt a literal spark go up my arm. I looked at him and he was smiling at me. A beautiful smile, reaching his deep amber eyes, and I was done. I’ve belonged to him ever since, even when I don’t want to.
I head out the door and take a deep breath. I’m excited and nervous at the same time, except, I am not sure which is attributed more, working with Preston, or starting my own business finally. Now I have two hours to convince myself to not back out. I need to do this. I need to find the confidence I once had before Niles took it.
Clearly, there is a need for small businesses that isn’t being met in the area yet, and small businesses are my favorite to help. Most of my clients in Boston aren’t small businesses, but they were small compared to what most of my firm did. Most were family businesses that stayed in the family. Which is why I was certain they would follow me once I got a plan together. Unfortunately, the universe sees Preston as the first step in owning my own business. I should remember to thank the universe for putting him in my path two days in a row. . . ugh.
Chapter Six
Myalarmblaresfrommy vanity.
Time to leave, I can do this. I can be a whole marketing team on my own. For the most attractive man I’ve ever met, and who I can’t stand at the same time.
Ugh. What was I thinking?
Oh, right, money, and the fact I don’t have a job. And live with my mother, again.
I call Adelaide on my walk over to Preston’s office. She will be able to calm me down and be more logical than I am right now. I take a minute to be thankful for the fact we have spent the time to work things out. I finally have at least one of my sisters back.
“Hey Scarlett! I was just thinking about you, I was going to see if you wanted to grab lunch!” Oh, that’s right, Adelaide teaches English at the high school so she’s officially off for summer.
“Well, I’d love to but I’m on my way to a business meeting. With Preston.”
“What! That’s the last thing I thought I would hear today. Tell me how this happened!” Her voice reaching an almost shriek-like volume.
“I went to get Mom’s coffee over at the diner and overheard him talking about needing to grow the practice. I don’t even know what came over me, but the next thing I knew I was offering my services.” I sigh big, exasperated at myself for the situation I’ve gotten myself into.
“That’s great, Scarlett! You said you wanted to get back here someday and do this.”
“With a whole team though, Addy. Not by myself. Am I good enough to do this? Can I stand to be with Preston by myself that long? This is definitely not the ideal first client for me.” I am whining at this point, but I don’t care. I’m so nervous! My palms are clammy and sweating, and it only intensifies the closer I get to Preston’s office.
“Stop. Stop doubting yourself. You can absolutely get yourself to do all those things. You are an asset to any business and don’t doubt that. Don’t let that asshole Niles get in your head.” Wow. Addy must really hate him to use a curse word. “As for Preston, I say you two get over it. You’re perfect for each other and he’s so dreamy.”
“Thanks, Addy. I really appreciate the pep talk. I knew I could count on you. Except for the Preston part. Don’t forget how things ended between us. Hey, how about we grab pizzas from Walter's and watch movies tonight?”
“Oh, yes! And ice-cream?”
“Of course ice-Cream!” I chuckle, Addy’s go to is ice-cream, apparently that hasn’t changed.
“Perfect! Come over about six and I’ll order your favorites!” I can see her jumping up and down in her kitchen, she’s always done that when she’s excited about something. As kids we would all join her. I find myself smiling at the memory of my sisters.