Page 13 of Everything I Need
“Seriously, Addy? What did you two do?” I sigh. Mom and Addy are the two biggest meddlers I’ve ever met in my life. Their meddling can only mean embarrassment on my end. I hope whatever they are doing isn’t too obvious or embarrassing for me. Or Preston for that matter. That won’t help gain business for him if they publicly embarrass him.
“Addy, please. What are you and Mom doing?” I plead with her to tell me; I don’t need to be caught off guard anymore.
“Mom has an appointment with Dr. West tomorrow. She might be planning to drop some hints as to how much he hurt you back then. We thought maybe if we plant that seed in his mind, it will get you two talking about it. So you can get closure and start fresh.”
“Addy! You and Mom cannot do that!”
“Why not? You won’t talk to him about it, and you need to. You two belong together. Mom and I both know it. We knew it when you were in college. We all thought you two made a big mistake not talking about it back then, but you were so hurt we didn’t push you. We need you to know it again, too.” She sounded so wistful. I wish for a moment I could live in that world.
Knowing that I won’t win this fight, I give up. Addy and Mom love a happy ending. I am attracted to Preston for sure, but do we really belong together? I thought we did all those years ago, maybe we can get back there? Maybe there’s a totally reasonable explanation for Elizabeth to have been wrapped around him that day. God, I hate her so much. She always wanted Preston for his name and money, and she never let me forget for one minute that I wasn’t from that world.
The frat house is so hot, and I’ve had way too much jungle juice. Time for some fresh air. “Hey babe, I’m going to head outside for a minute.” I tap Preston to let him know.
“Oh, give me a minute and I’ll come with you. I just have to finish this game.” Preston was playing beer pong with his buddy, and they were winning their third game in a row.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.” I kiss him on the cheek and walk up the stairs as I hear his buddies making fun of him for my kiss on his cheek.
I finally step outside and am relishing the cool air on my face. It seems quiet, so I head off the porch in search of a chair to sit in, when I’m stopped in my tracks at the sound of Elizabeth Hunter’s voice. I try to avoid her at all costs.
“Can you even believe her showing up here? And what the hell is she wearing? She’s not fit for Preston at all.”
“I know. Right? Who wears jeans and a tee to a frat party? Like, does she even try? He would be so much better off with you, Liz.”
“Totally. You are so much classier than her. At least you wear designer labels and his parents totally love you.”
“Scarlett, baby, what are you doing?” Preston asks as he wraps himself around me, kissing that spot I like on my neck. Oh shit, he’s going to get us busted. I turn around and kiss him so he doesn’t say another word. I don’t want him to give away the fact that I was eavesdropping on her and her minions.
“Liz, seriously when are you going to break them up once and for all?” Preston stills.
“Please, girls. Give me some credit. I have a plan, and it’s just taking some more time than I thought. His brother is coming soon and I’m hoping that if I use his brother, he will see that he wants me and not that trash he’s currently hooking up with.” I can see the vein in Preston’s neck twitch. She’s stepped over the line this time bringing Colton into the mess. No one messes with those boys. Before I can stop him, Preston is already walking toward the girls from our hiding spot.
“What the fuck did you just say?” he roars.
“Oh, uh, Preston, hello, darling. We were just saying how excited we are to see Colton next weekend.” Elizabeth coos like she wasn’t just caught red handed.
“Funny, I don’t remember inviting you to hang out with us. It would benefit you to keep my girl’s name out of your mouth, and your slimy hands off my brother.” Preston turns and stalks back to me, pulling me into him and dipping me over to kiss the life out of me. Once he’s satisfied with his show he takes my hand and pulls me back into the party.
Fuck her. She’s taken enough from me. For years, I’ve let the thoughts Elizabeth put in my head rule my life. For two years, I listened to her tell me I wasn’t worthy enough of Preston, that he’d eventually see the truth and leave me. I shouldn’t have, especially witnessing this back then, but I let her, and people like her, tell me I wasn’t good enough. And I’m done.
Chapter Nine
AfterthemeetingwithScarlett, I am looking at my office in a new light. I'm starting to see what she saw when she came in, and I'm not as impressed as I was the day I signed papers to make it mine. It does look outdated. I'm glad that she has so many ideas I love to update this place and give it a clean feel. I'm getting really excited to see how it turns out.
The door chimes announcing that my next patient has arrived. I finish up what I'm working on and grab my laptop to go get them. I really need a secretary to greet patients.
“Hey Mrs. Harper, are you ready to come on back?”
“Of course!” She places an older than me magazine back on the table, and I make a mental note to ask Scarlett about those. I’m sure she will tell me to get rid of them, but the patients seem to always be reading them. Maybe we could get a bookshelf for people to bring in used books too.
“Dr. West, it's so good to see you again. Did you see my girl is back in town?” Mrs. Harper is beaming with pride to have Scarlett back.
“Oh please, call me Preston. Dr. West is my father.” I do not need any reminders of him in my day. I’ve always preferred my patients to call me Preston. Something that didn’t really go well in the hospital. I was told it went against protocol and made other doctors seem cold and stuck up.
“I did see that. I ran into her in the field behind my house. I didn’t realize it connects to the trail in town. I also ran into her at the diner and she is brave enough to take me on as a client.” I grin, knowing that she knows all this, I just can’t figure out what her angle is here.
“Oh, that’s just fabulous. I’m so glad you two talked about your past and are able to move forward. I always did think you two were just so perfect together.” She coos.