Page 16 of Everything I Need
“Here, let me help you up, since Duke decided to knock you over, it’s the best I can do.” Preston reaches his hand out towards me.
“Oh, I think you can do a lot better.” Oh, my gosh. Why did I say that? Who am I?
“Is that so?” He smirks at me. Actually, smirks like he knows the battle of emotions going on in my head. “I’ve been waiting over five years to kiss you again, so I’m glad to hear it.”
“Well, I mean. . .” I can feel the blush spreading, while I struggle to choke out actual words.
“Come to dinner with me tomorrow.” He says quickly.
“Listen, maybe this was a mistake. I really need this job, and I don’t think it's best to mix pleasure and business especially given our past. And I know my mom -”
“You working with me is exactly why we need to go to dinner. We need to clear the air. I’d be lying if I said I didn't feel something between us. We’re both trying to fight it because I was an idiot, multiple times. I want a chance to explain, to redeem myself, Scarlett. I want a chance with you. It’s been. . .” I save him from rambling by placing a feather light touch of my fingertips on his lips.
“Well, when you put it that way, sure. I’d love to discuss why you were an idiot. I don’t justwantto work with you though, Ineedto work with you, Preston. I need this job. I stomped out of my job like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Not that it wasn’t warranted, but I need the positive reviews from you for new clients on my own. I don’t want to mess this up. Professionally, or personally.” He takes my hands in his.
“Scarlett, I won’t let our personal life affect our businesses. I need you more than you need me. I’ve spent five years hoping for this chance, and when I bought the practice and figured out it was your hometown, I was just waiting for the universe to bring you back for a second chance. I should have taken my chance before, but I was too scared, I wasn’t good enough for you yet. Please give me this chance. Please. I promise it will only help us. Please say yes.” The pleading in his eyes is so sincere it has just undone the last of my resolve.
“Are you going to kiss me again if I say yes?”
“Depends. Do you want me to?” He looks at me so earnestly, still with his hands laced in mine.
“I’m undecided.”
“Okay, well I promise no more kissing until you are sure. So, dinner?”
“Okay dinner. Tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the diner at five sharp.”
“No. I’ll pick you up at five. We can go to my favorite Italian place in the city. We don’t need the gossip mill running if you’re trying to keep our relationship professional around here. No one else needs to know our personal history.”
Now he is speaking my language. No gossip? Sold. “Well, I can’t argue with that. You win, tomorrow at five.” If he is picking me up, at least Mom will force me out the door if I chicken out.
I don’t even give him a chance to say anything else, or for me to embarrass myself more by saying something stupid, or worse, kissing him again. I run off back to the trail and head home. My head is more of a mess than it was before I started my run. Preston was seriously messing with my happy place. Duke could stay though.
And now I need to apologize to Mom. Ugh. I hate admitting she’s right.
Now I’ve gone and agreed to dinner in the city with the man who is responsible for the best kiss, and worst heartbreak, I’ve ever had in my whole life, and holds the future of my career in his hands. This won’t end badly at all, how could it?
“Mom, you do not need to be here when Preston picks me up. I feel like your visit to the doctor yesterday has a lot to do with why I’m even being picked up for this dinner date in the first place.” I roll my eyes at her.
“My Scarlett. Would I ever interfere in your life?” Her smile gives her away. She knows exactly what she did. Too bad I don’t.
“Mom. Stop. Seriously. No relationship. Just work. We’re clearing the air so we can work better together. And maybe be friends again.” That is my new mantra. No relationship, just work. Maybe it will stick. Even though he has made his intention clear.
“Right. That's why you came home from your run, to the field Preston lives by, flush right from your cheeks to your chest.”
Ugh. Nothing passes by that woman.
I was about to argue until I hear a car door shut in the driveway. Now or never.
“Last warning Mom. Do. Not. Meddle.” I point my finger at her.
The doorbell rings, and it stops mom from commenting further, but now my nerves are heightened, and I can’t remember why I agreed to this dinner yesterday.
I open the door and Preston has a button up shirt on, rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of jeans that seem to mold to his strong legs. Now I remember how I got here.
Preston is looking at me like I’m his last meal. This is not going to go well for me.I need to stay strong.
“Hey, Preston! Let’s get going!” I say quickly as I start to push him back out the door and down the steps, trying to slip on a mask of indifference, and get him away from Mom.