Page 29 of Everything I Need
“He’ll be happy to see you for sure. Although I do need to warn you. He is a complete bed hog and snores.” He laughs.
“Thanks for the warning. I think he’s cute enough I won’t mind too much.”
We walk back holding hands through the moonlight. Despite feeling scared of, well, my own feelings, everything with Preston feels so right. Like we are meant to be together, and maybe even the time apart was meant to happen too. Maybe, we needed to grow apart in order to be together again in this moment.
Chapter Seventeen
Wecomeupthestairs to the front door and I unlock the door, stepping to the side and pulling Scarlett with me. Duke comes barreling out and didn’t even notice Scarlett standing next to me. He runs right up to her car and sits to wait for her to get out. Beside me Scarlett is chuckling.
“Duke, I’m not in there!” She yells to him.
At the sound of her voice, Duke comes running back. Looking at me like I hid her instead of him running right past her. I bring all of our stuff into the kitchen and let them have their moment. It will take a minute for Duke to calm down.
I look over and see them both on the floor, Scarlett scratching Duke’s belly, and Duke lapping her face with wet slobbery kisses. The sight makes me laugh.
As I am putting dishes in the sink, I feel Scarlett’s tiny hands come around my waist under my shirt. And that is all it takes to be ready for her again.
And again, and again.
By the time my alarm goes off for work I am thoroughly exhausted. But, I wouldn’t trade our night for anything. Something happened last night and Scarlett was more open than she’s ever been. She is happy, smiling and laughing as we get ready for work. It is the most beautiful sight, having her in my space, getting ready for work.
“I guess I should ask my boss if my yoga pants are ok for work, or if I should go home and change?” She lifts an eyebrow at me.
“Oh yeah, those yoga pants are perfect for any occasion. I think yourclientwill definitely approve.” I correct her from using the term boss.
I lean back on my kitchen island admiring the beauty of those yoga pants. Scarlett bites her lip and turns away from me. I can’t help myself. I step in front of her and reach around to cup her ass. I plant kisses all over her face as she laughs and swats at me.
“Coffee please. I need coffee,” she begs, pulling back to look at me.
Laughing, I take her hand as she slides her shoes on so she doesn’t lose balance.
“Sure, we can stop at the diner and I’ll get you one of those coffees you and your mom like so much.”
“Have I told you that you’re my favorite person?” She coos at me.
“Is that so now?” I stare into her beautiful baby blues.
“You could really solidify your position as my favorite if you add in a banana nut muffin.” She places a quick kiss on my cheek, walking off to get her purse.
“I think I can manage a coffee and a muffin.” If that’s all it takes to be her favorite person, I’ll do it every damn morning.
Rubbing Duke’s ears, and giving him kisses goodbye, we head out of the house for the diner. It feels surreal to have Scarlett in my truck, holding her hand as we drive. For years it was always a dream to have this back and now here she is.
She seems to be lost in thought, looking out the window but she looks happy. I don’t want to push my luck this morning so I leave her be.
“Do you think we’ll have time to go by the hardware store to get more paint before your first appointment? If we don't, I can walk over after we go to the office.” She turns back to me .
“Yeah, we should have time to stop. If we don’t get stopped to gossip too much at the diner. I don’t open until one today, remember?” I give her hand a little squeeze as I admire the way the open window makes her long black locks swirl about her face.
“Right. Because us walking in holding hands won’t cause anyone to want to come over and gossip.” She rolls her eyes because she knows as well as I do that the gossip mill will run double time.
“You’re going to hold my hand at the diner?” I am genuinely shocked by her comment. I didn’t think she’d be willing to bring us public yet.
“I mean if that’s ok with you. I don’t want to create any negative gossip as we are trying to get you more business.” She second guesses herself.
“Of course it’s okay with me, Scarlett. Everyone in this town loves you. You can only bring me more business. Aside from that, I would be happy to tell anyone to fuck off if they didn’t want to come to me because of you.”