Page 32 of Everything I Need
“Shit, Colton. I’m sorry. Did you ask her about it?” Elizabeth has a temper when she doesn’t get what she wants so I can only imagine how a confrontation is going to go.
“No. I figure I’ll let it slide and see if I can find her sneaking off at the dinner. Do you think that is dumb or should I confront her now?” Colton asks, he is so lost on what to do.
Scarlett comes to me with a quizzical look, I put Colton on speakerphone. “You're on speaker with Scarlett now. I say just catch her in the act at the dinner. See who she sneaks off with.”
Scarlett caught on, “If it is Caleb, I can try to flirt with him in front of her. Based on how he acted when I met him, I am assuming he’s not a one woman kind of man and would take the bait. Especially if it meant getting Preston’s girl.” She winces.
“You would do that? I know how you feel about him. And her.” Colton sounds torn between guilt and gratitude about accepting her offer.
“Absolutely. If it helps catch two snakes then I’m all for it. Preston just can’t get mad at me for flirting with him.” She shudders at the thought of flirting with Caleb.
“I think that sounds like a good idea, babe. You can lure him in and if he takes the bait I can guarantee Elizabeth will be pissed. What she does about it though is the wild card. We know how she handles when you have something, or someone, she wants.”
We hammer out a few more plans to catch Elizabeth since the dinner is in a couple days. Thankfully, Colton is calmer at the end of the phone call and I’m hoping he won’t confront her until then.
Scarlett is meeting her mom and I need to get into the office early to set up a little surprise for Scarlett. I lied earlier when I said I have patients first thing. I’m still determined to make her enjoy surprises.
Today I’m going to surprise her with her own office, the space next to me was going up for sale when I decided to buy the practice. I bought it and had planned to expand the practice at some point. Colton opened it up and added doors so we can either have it as part of the practice or shut it off as a private office to rent. I am thankful that Dr. Kramer let me do that before the purchase on the practice was final. But now I know it is meant for Scarlett. Just as I shut the doors, she walks into the office.
“Hey, what are you doing in there?” Shit. I almost got caught in the act.
“Oh, just putting some stuff in storage. You know I’m still trying to find everything around here.” That’s a good lie. I think. “Where is your mom?”
“She’s still at the diner waiting for her coffee. My bag was getting heavy so I came over here instead of waiting.” She places her very large bag that I have started calling her mobile office onto my front desk.
“Well, about that heavy bag, I have a surprise for you.” I smile, pulling her close. She can’t be mad at me if I’m holding her in my arms.
“A surprise? Preston! You shouldn’t have done anything.” She squeaks out.
“It’s a good one, trust me, you will love it!” I pull back the French doors and open up the space to her.
Scarlett looks completely confused. “I’m confused here. What is the surprise? That you cleaned out the office? I thought you just put something in here for storage?”
“This office is the surprise, Scarlett. It’s for you.” I walk over and open the doors to the parking lot. “You have your own door, or you can open these doors when you want to see me or your mom, or close them when you need privacy. There are a lot of options for you here!”
Scarlett launches herself at me peppering my face with kisses. “Oh my gosh, Preston! I love it! No one has ever done something like this for me, no one has ever believed in my work enough to invest in me like this. I can pay you rent though. Not that I expect you to invest in me.” She is spinning around taking in the space slowly.
“Stop. It was nothing. I will not accept rent. Although I will accept you doing whatever those TikTok things are you say I need to learn. I will definitely trade office space if I don’t have to learn. Or dance.” I say bargaining with her.
“Deal! Oh my gosh, I’m so excited.” Scarlett was already planning in her head. She was thinking about where to set everything up, I can see the wheels spinning with ideas piling up in her mind.
“Hello, anyone here?” Lorelei calls from the front office.
“Mom! We’re over here, in my office!” Scarlett is beaming. I knew she would love this office space.
“You’re where, Sweet Scarlett?” Lorelei is walking further into the office, following the sounds of our voices.
“In my office, Mom! Preston made me an office and I’ll get to work with him and you everyday! It’s my dream!” Lorelei walks in and takes a look at the space. She also has a smile on her face. I leave the two of them to plan where they are going to put everything.
I leave the office proud that I not only successfully executed a surprise for Scarlett, but that I now get to work with my girl everyday.
Chapter Twenty
It’sSaturday,andIam freaking out because it’stheSaturday of the charity event with Preston’s family. I wasn’t freaked out until I checked social media and saw Lexis posting about it. She is currently dating my ex-boss, Niles, talk about a lack of loyalty. Which means, Niles is going to be there, too. Great, Dr. West, Caleb, Elizabeth, and Niles. This will be a great night. I roll my eyes to the empty room.
I am trying on my fifth dress for the night in my room and throwing the sixth on the bed to be next when my mom comes in my room with a dress bag.