Page 36 of Everything I Need
“Hey, brother. Where’s Elizabeth?” I hug Colton.
“Oh, you know, probably in search of booze or Caleb.” He shrugs, scanning the room to look for his wife.
“Well, we just came from the bar so I’d say the latter. What are you going to do if you catch her with Caleb?”
He shrugs, “Call her out. Beat his ass. Move in with you.”
“Oh, move in with me?” I smirk at him.
“Yeah brother. Already working on some contracts in your area. Figured you’d take in a lost soul, doctors can’t turn people away right? It’s unethical or something.”
Seeing the hurt in his eyes, and the fact he was trying to mask it with sarcasm I couldn’t deny him even if I wanted to. “Yes, Colt. I’d take you in. Duke would have a built-in babysitter.”
“Hey, Colton.” Scarlett comes over to meet us after running into someone she knew.
“Hey, Scarlett, you look amazing. How has the night been so far? Undeniably dull?” Colton perks up seeing Scarlett.
She laughs. “Not quite. Had a little run in with Caleb. Then Preston here almost punched my ex-boss and ex-assistant.” Oh shit. She saw that. My fists were balled pretty tight.
“Preston? Causing physical harm? I can’t picture that. Again, isn’t that unethical?” He teases me.
“Threaten my woman I’m going to cause physical harm.” I say through gritted teeth.
Just at that moment, I see Elizabeth’s hand snake around Colton’s arm. Making sure that her wedding rings are on full display. Too bad she doesn’t actually take their meaning to heart.
“There you are, Colton. You could have told me where you were going!” Elizabeth purrs.
“Elizabeth, this is Scarlett. Preston’s girlfriend.” He takes a small step away, distancing himself ever so slightly from her clutches.
Scarlett squeezes my hand.
Elizabeth looks at Scarlett and immediately looks annoyed. She doesn’t like when someone is prettier than her and Scarlett still looks so much better than she could ever dream of.
“What a pleasure to see you again, darling! It’s been so long!” Elizabeth says with the fakest smile I’ve ever seen on her face.
“Elizabeth. It’s so nice you were finally able to join us, when I saw Colton a couple weeks ago he mentioned you two had gotten married. I was so sorry to hear you were otherwise occupied that weekend.” Scarlett is by far the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. Not one to back down from what she knows is right and able to somehow fully embrace a southern woman’sbless your heartmentality.
“Oh, I hadn’t realized.” She turns to Colton, “Colton, darling, you never told me you were going to see Preston and Scarlett.”
Just in that perfect moment, Caleb comes up all but drooling over Scarlett still, and butts into the conversation. Or more like, butting into Scarlett’s personal space. And that did not make Elizabeth happy, at all. The scowl on Colton’s face gives his thoughts away on the situation.
“Is there something we can do for you, Caleb?” I ask.
“I just want to ask this lovely woman to dance with me.” He gestures with his head toward Scarlett.
Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. “I don’t think. . .”
“Oh, hush, Preston. One dance with Caleb won’t kill me.” She gives me a look that quickly reminds me of the game we are playing.
I see her cut her eyes toward Elizabeth who looks like she might pass out from anger. Looks like we were right about Elizabeth and Caleb. My girl is going to get Colton what he needs, even if it means letting Caleb touch her for a dance. If I wasn’t sure before, I am now. I’m head over heels in love with this woman. She goes to the ends of the Earth to help however she can. She has the most genuine heart. How could I have ever believed anything else?
Playing into her play, I say, “Scarlett. You know he only wants to dance with you because he’s been trying to get under that dress since he met you at the restaurant. And baby, I don’t like to share.”
“Pres, you can’t keep her all to yourself. Look at her.” That creep dares to touch her.
“Caleb!” Scarlett smiles and playfully swats at his chest. If I didn’t know her game I’d be ready to throw up. Luckily, he isn’t picking up on her change in attitude, or he doesn't care.
Elizabeth storms off, literally stomping her feet, as they make it to the dance floor. I, however, will not be going far. I will not let him near my girl alone.