Page 42 of Everything I Need
Things can’t possibly get any better than they are now. I have an amazing office my mom helped me set up. Clients that want me to represent them instead of Niles. I have a relationship back with two of my sisters. And I have Preston. A man that I love.
I love Preston.
It was so easy to fall back into our relationship. He’s the first person I want to tell about this client today. He’s the first one I want to tell about Lacey. But I can’t tell him I love him yet. He hasn’t said it yet either so that scares me, too, almost as much as letting myself trust him again did. What if he doesn’t love me this time? What if he just feels that physical attraction?
No. Now I’m just being silly. We definitely have a solid foundation that isn’t just physical. So does he just not feel love yet for me? Is he falling in love again slowly? Or is he just as scared as me?
Ugh. Why am I like this? Always overthinking instead of just letting myself be happy in the moment. I need to stop, my therapist told me that exercise will help me stop with the worrying and the what ifs. Maybe I’ll grab Duke and take him for a run on the trails with me. Since I have a key to Preston’s.
Yeah that happened. We’re that serious.
Hence why I need to clear my head. I need to tell Preston how I feel and stop worrying he doesn’t feel the same way. His actions have shown me that he does, and my thoughts are the only thing scaring me away. After seeing Elizabeth at the gala with Colton and Preston, I am even more angry with myself that I let her ruin all these years with Preston. Our relationship should be so much further along.
Chapter Twenty-Five
TodayisColton’sfirstday living here officially. I’m so relieved that he is out of his house. Elizabeth had gotten more desperate as time went on and less of his stuff was in the house. I hope now that he is out of the house she will make the divorce easy, but we all know she won’t.
We spent the day getting him settled and now Scarlett is in the kitchen cooking us dinner. She claims she isn’t a good cook but it smells damn amazing.
Colton is laughing in the kitchen with Scarlett and I’m happy to have my brother and my girl together in my house, laughing. They formed a tighter bond after the showdown with Elizabeth. Colton had always liked Scarlett before and wasted no time telling me I was an idiot letting her go back then. Since the charity dinner, Colton has been telling me tolock it down.
She is officially in our circle. I love that. I love her.
I’m trying to find a way to tell her without scaring her. We are in a good place, but she hasn’t told me she loves me either. It’s almost slipped out a few times, but I want the moment I tell her I love her to be special. And between everything that has been going on, there just hasn’t been a special moment.
Maybe there isn’t one. Maybe I just need to tell her and figure out how to bring her back to me if she gets scared again.
“Hey, Scarlett said dinner is ready.” Colton pulls me from my thoughts.
“Okay I just finished setting the table. I’ll come help bring the food over.” I follow him back to the kitchen.
Once all the food is over on the table Colton and I begin piling our plates. Scarlett looks so proud of herself that even if it tastes like dirt I’m going to love it.
“Happy first family dinner!” She exclaims. The smile on her face as she says it is so adorable. I am going to remember this moment for the rest of my life, I don’t even care if that’s cheesy.
“Just wait until next year when that addition is done and we can enjoy a nice outdoor kitchen and watch the sunsets over the field.” I say.
Colton showed me the final plans today and I’m sure it’s going to be even better than he says. I’m blown away by what he has planned.
“I can’t wait for that. It’ll be so nice to see the sun set over the flowers. And I can't wait to curl up in a chair with a cozy blanket in the fall to read a book.”
Scarlett is thinking about being here next year? She doesn’t usually talk long term. I know our connection is amazing, but I don’t push her and just take her lead on the future. This is a good sign.
“I’m just happy to have my brother, and my girl, and this amazing meal.” I shove a big bite in my mouth.
Seriously, her cooking is amazing. I didn’t have to pretend like I was prepared to do. “Scarlett, you said you couldn’t cook.”
“No, no, I said I don’tliketo cook. There is a difference.” She smiles at me.
“I see. So basically, you just tricked me into grilling for you all this time?” I smile at her, teasing.
“Maybe. I just really like cheeseburgers.” Scarlett shrugs her shoulders and goes back to eating.
“Well, babe, that gig is up. You better be ready to start cooking more.”