Page 55 of Everything I Need
I’m sure I don’t look pretty after that hard of a nap and all the crying I’ve been doing. What sinks in after a few seconds is that I haven’t told them about Preston wanting to meet. So how do they know?
“Did Preston call you?” My anger is all but rolling off me at this realization.
“No, Lacey did. We originally told her no; we were not helping him. Then she told us that Colton called her, and that we should make sure you’re there. I trust her judgment on this, Sweet Scarlett.” Mom says, sitting next to me on the bed.
“Well, I’m glad you guys trust Lacey, who heard from Colton. This is a regular old family affair.” I roll my eyes at them and I hope they get my sarcasm.
“Scarlett, please. Please go to meet Preston. I warned you this morning what that lost time can mean.” Mom is pleading with me to go.
She knows what it feels like to lose your love forever. She knows how precious every minute is, and looking in her face, I can’t deny her.
“Fine. But I am absolutely not getting ready just to look nice for him. He can have me in my leggings and baggy sweatshirt.”
“Oh, but you are. We were told very specifically to make sure you wear that red dress.” Addy rifles in my closet.
“Are you kidding me? He summons meanddemands I get dressed up? No way. I’m wearing what I want to wear and I’ll show up when I’m good and ready to show up.”Fuck him.
Mom looks disappointed, and Addy looks as if she’s losing her patience with me. Like I’m the one who messed up here. I went to talk to him this morning, he is the one who wouldn’t talk to me and now he wants to talk?
Mom speaks sternly to me, a tone she doesn’t use often with us girls, at least not since we were children. “Scarlett, you will go. You will wear that red dress, and you will be on time. Stop this nonsense right now and accept that you love this man, this man who made a mistake and is willing to own it. It wasn’t the first time, and it most certainly will not be the last time either of you makes a mistake. So, you. are. going. End of story.”
“Fine.” I whisper to Addy. “If only to escape a lecture from Mom.”
Addy claps her hands together, and mom produces the red dress that I returned to her.
Great. I need to get my anger under control. What were those techniques Willow used to teach us again?
I take the dress from Mom and slip it on. Only this time, I don’t feel special. I feel defeated. Why did I think I could change anything in my life?
“I think maybe Preston was right. Maybe I should just go back to Boston with Niles.” I say to no one in particular.
Addy grins slyly, “I thought we were avoiding lectures tonight?”
“I am. I don’t need one. I’m just saying.” I shrug.
“Well, you better change that attitude before Mom gets back, or you will for sure be getting one. You’re lucky I’m not giving one right now.” She pulls out her phone and starts typing like a woman on a mission. Next thing I know Lacey is on facetime.
“Scarlett. Stop it. You are not ever going back to Niles, and you will forgive Preston. I promise you.” She lectures me through the phone.
“No. No arguments Scarlett, I’m serious. Preston loves you. Like, really loves you. I’m jealous of how much that man loves you. I’ve tried to get Michael to love me like that for years, and you have it. You have what Mom and Dad had. Go get it.” With that Lacey hangs up. Not giving me a chance to argue.
Now I’m in my head. Am I being too hard on Preston? I know he loves me, we just haven’t said the words yet. But is love enough to make it?
Damn my sisters.
“Sit. I’ll do your makeup.” I follow Addy’s orders and sit down at the vanity. Mom comes up and holds my hand while Addy works.
“Mom, am I being a fool? Do I really just forgive him so easily?” I ask softly.
“You are no fool my Sweet Scarlett. You are hurt, and he deserves to know that. But the only thing that matters now is, do you love him?”
I think for a moment, not really about if I love him or not. I know I love Preston West. He has gotten under my skin in a way that no one ever has. I know deep down in my bones I could not go on without him, I am ruined for all other men. Preston is truly and wholly my other half. But, can I forgive him? Can I be the woman that fits in his world? Can he fit in mine? That is really what I’m questioning.
Once I am ready, Mom shoves me in the car, and drives me to Preston’s cabin with Addy in the back. I can’t tell if they’re being nosey meddlers, or they genuinely don’t trust me to make it to Preston’s house without turning around. Probably the latter.
We park, and I step out, wondering where Duke is. He’s always the first one to greet me. Then I see Colton step off the porch.