Page 2 of Everything I Promise
“I know it’s hard, honey. But this is best for you and Oliver. You know that woman would be difficult to handle throughout the divorce, let alone how hard that would be on Oliver.” I smooth down my skirt as a nervous habit.
Leave it to Lorelei Harper to find the silver lining in every situation. When my sisters and I were younger, it was annoying, but now as an adult, I really appreciate her ability to find the positive in every situation.
“I know Mom, it really is best for him. I just feel so awful that his father doesn’t want him. That has to hurt his little heart. I hope I can make it up to him.” And that will be the hardest thing to overcome.
The guilt that I feel for letting this man be Oliver’s father. He is the kindest boy, and to have someone treat him this way is hard not only for him, but for me to accept as his mother. If only I had seen Michael for who he is earlier.
“Well, his favorite dinner is started, and I made him a chocolate cake for dessert. That’s a start for tonight. He will be surrounded by love, you know that. Scarlett and Addy will be here for dinner too. They can’t wait to see their nephew, and their big sister.” My heart squeezes at Mom’s words.
I miss them so much. I’m so grateful we recently were able to mend our relationship with Scarlett. It means the world to me to have two of my sisters by my side.
“Oh great, he will love that. Listen Mom, I’m going to start driving so I’ll see you soon okay?” We hang up and I feel a little better about things.
She is right. Oliver will be surrounded by so many people who love him. Scarlett’s fiancé, Preston, would be there for him asa male role model, and his brother Colton lives with him. They have already been so great to my baby.
I met Colton a few months ago when I was home, visiting the weekend Michael moved out. We went to The Bar, and ran into Preston and Colton on the way there. And oh my God. That man is the definition of a God. He’s tall, has perfectly tousled blonde hair, with the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. It should be illegal to watch that man roll up the sleeves of his button down shirts.Shit, that's so sexy.
When we were dancing I could feel the muscles under his shirt that are earned from building homes, and probably a strict workout regime. I’d be lying if I said I didn't dream of those rough hands touching me every night.
Colton is also going through a divorce with a cheating liar of a wife. Luckily for him there are no kids involved. We’ve bonded over the experience, texting daily, even phone calls and FaceTime.
He’s so amazing with Oliver on those FaceTimes too. Letting him take the phone on a kid tour of the house, mostly our ceilings, and showing him all the toys. It’ll be great for Oliver to soak in the attention from the guys. It has been really hard to keep my heart out of our friendship, a new daily struggle every time we talk.
I check my phone before putting it away on the passengers seat and see a text from the man I was just thinking about.
Colton:I am proud of you today, Lace. No matter how you feel right now, you’re an amazing mom, and you’re doing the right thing.
And that right there, is why my heart is struggling. He always knows the perfect thing to say.
Thankfully, we didn’t hit any traffic on the way to Lupine Valley. Oliver is so excited to see everyone and I’m happy to be home.
I was worried about how he would feel today, leaving the only home he’s ever known, and without his Dad. I’m glad he’s not upset. I, however, could definitely use a minute alone after putting on a happy face for Oliver during the drive.
We pull up to Mom’s house and there are so many cars in the driveway. I am already feeling tired from socializing.
As if on cue, they all come filing out of the house. I put the car in park, and open my door. A small smile appears on my face when Colton comes out behind Scarlett and Preston.
Oliver jumps out of the car, happy to see everyone.
I can’t ignore how happy I am to see Colton here. I’ve been having a hard time lately trying to convince myself to stay in the friend zone with him. And seeing him more will only make that harder. But it will be nice to have a friend who understands my situation nearby.
Oliver makes a beeline for his Grammy. He knows who spoils him most. Addy and Scarlett pull me in for a hug and the tears start coming.
“Oh, Lacey. We didn't mean to make you cry.” Addy pushes my hair out of my face, and I know I look like hell.
Perfect. Just how I need Colton to see me. I’d probably care more if I wasn’t so over today already.
“It isn’t your fault, Addy. It’s just been such a long day and I think I just need a minute to gather myself; putting on a happy face for Oliver on the way here was exhausting.” I put on a fake smile for her and Scarlett.
Colton saunters over, because that man doesn’t just walk like a normal human being. Everything about him is sexy. “I was about to walk to the general store, your mom needs some milk for Oliver and the cake. Want to come with me?” He motions down the road.
Scarlett looks over at me with a questioning look.
No one really knows the extent of our friendship, we’ve been able to keep it quiet so people don’t meddle with our friendship, and try to make it more. Even though at any other point in my life, that is what I’d be pushing for too.
We find it easier to talk to each other about our divorces than anyone else.
“Let me check with Mom, I don’t want to just dump Oliver and leave.” I answer him.