Page 4 of Everything I Promise
Oliver is clutching the football and running from Scott and Preston who are pretending to fall over themselves as Oliver makes it to the ‘end zone’.
“It would appear that way.” I chuckle, sipping my wine.
I add finding out about local rec programs for sports to my never ending mental list of things to check in on.
Once everyone is gone, and Oliver is in bed, I sink into the couch with my chamomile tea and Mom at my side. Happy that this day has finally come to an end.
“I really like Scott, Mom. He seems like a great guy.” I tentatively sip at my hot tea.
“Oh, Honey, we’re just friends! Nothing to get excited about.” She blushes and stares ahead at the TV. Her behavior tells me she’s lying but embarrassed about dating.
“Mom, Scott couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Colton told me you two have been spending a lot of time together. I’m happy for you. I just wanted you to know.” I squeeze her hand.
Since Scarlett is engaged to Colton’s brother, Preston, Colton has been coming around for family dinners and events since the beginning of summer. He seems to be more up to date on my mother’s life than I am, something I’m sure my sisters have been tiptoeing around me about since they found out about my divorce.
“Colton told you, huh? Seems you two have created quite thefriendship.” The look she is giving tells me that she is just as skeptical about our friendship as I am about her friendship with Scott.
I shrug, “We’re there for each other. No one can quite relate to what we are going through more than each other right now. He’s a great friend to have in my corner during this process.” I try to hide my face behind my steaming mug so she can't read my face.
Mom gives me a knowing smile. At this moment, I wish she didn’t know me so well.
I also wish I didn’t find everything about Colton so attractive. And perfect. That’s part of the reason why I don’t want to let myself go there with him so quickly.
Michael was perfect in the beginning too. Now, I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop constantly with everyone. And I don’t like that feeling.
Chapter Two
I am woken up by my phone ringing loudly, again.
I’ve declined the call five times now by pressing the button without having to move.Who the hell wants to talk to me so badly at five a.m.?I roll over and grab my phone, thinking that one of my foremen started work early and needs me.
Nope. Not so lucky. It’s my soon-to-be ex-wife, Elizabeth. Groaning, I hit the green acceptance button. “Elizabeth, what could you possibly need at five a.m., let alone from me?”
“Colton. This is crazy. You need to come home. You’ve had your time away to do whatever, whoever you want. We’re even now.” Her shrill, demanding voice grates on my nerves.
I groan, I don’t have the patience for her shit anymore. Rubbing my face I sit up in bed. I try to calm myself down before answering her, but I just don’t have it in me before sunrise.
“Elizabeth. Listen carefully. I am not coming home to your lying, cheating ass. Go beg Caleb to take you back.” I hang up on her and swing my legs over the side of the bed. Guess I’m up now.
Her texts have been getting more desperate the longer I’ve been living in New Hampshire. I can usually ignore her, though. What a way to start my day.
I thought today would be a good day since I finally got to see Lacey in person again last night, and she's officially living within walking distance. It’s almost like Elizabeth has a sixth sense for when I might be getting too happy.
I make my way downstairs and grab coffee before I head outside with Preston’s dog, Duke. He's a goofy black lab puppy whom I have come to love since moving in with Preston after serving Elizabeth divorce papers.
I caught her cheating on me with another doctor who works at the same hospital as my father, and previously my brother. Thanks to Preston’s fiancee, Scarlett, I have video proof of their affair to use in my divorce proceedings. She caught them at a charity gala, in the lobby of the hotel where the gala was held.
Duke runs off to roll around the yard and chase his ball. I take a seat in the chairs outside and enjoy the quiet sounds of the mountains in New Hampshire. After living near a loud and busy city in Massachusetts, I don’t think I will ever take my quiet mornings for granted.
Duke must finally be tired because he flops down dramatically at my feet with a stick. I reach down to rub his ears while I scroll through my email. With the building season coming to a slow, most of it is consultation requests to get on my schedule for next year. Thankfully people aren’t deterred that I’ve delegated my Massachusetts building contracts to my foreman, Eric.
As I’m responding to a new client, I get a text from Lacey and my heart skips a beat.
The connection I feel to Lacey is so much more than it should be. I know I just left Elizabeth, but Lacey and I share something that I never felt with Elizabeth—friendship, a soul connection. Not only is she the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, but she brings a calmness to me, she is able to see the real me. She accepts and supports me which isn't something I've had in my life, either from family or my ex-wife.
It doesn’t hurt that those leggings she always wears fit her like a glove. Her gorgeous green eyes shine so bright even with what she’s going through, and she doesn’t even need makeup to be one of the most beautiful women in the room.