Page 45 of Everything I Crave
“What’s wrong?” she asks quietly.
“My Dad fell off the roof of the inn, I can’t do this right now, I have to go.”
“You’re leaving?” she asks with panic in her voice.
“My Dad’s going to the hospital, yea, I’m leaving. So either you wait, or pack a bag and let’s go, but make it fast,” I throw out, not really paying attention to her
“How long?” She chews on her bottom lip, looking up at me with worry lacing her features.
Fuck, I’m an asshole. The exact reason she should just accept the out and walk away.
“I don’t know. But figure it out, I’m leaving in five.” I walk away, leaving her stunned.
God, I’m being an asshole. But I need to get to Pops. He’s my only focus right now. And with five hours between us, I won’t get there fast enough for my liking.
At exactly four minutes, she emerges down the hallway with a bag and her guitar.
I throw my own bag over my shoulder and hold the door open for her. “Go get in the truck, I’ve got to tell Mack.” I pull her bag from her shoulder on the way by me. My mama still taught me manners even if I’m being a dick.
I follow her down and unlock the truck for her before going into the kitchen where Mack is prepping.
“You know we can hear you two up there yelling.” She points her finger at me.
“I don’t have time for a lecture, Mack, I just need you to take over for a few days, maybe more, I don’t know.” I run my hand through my hair.
“What’s going on, boss?” She stops what she is doing and turns to face me, concerned about why I’m having her take control of the bar with no notice.
“My Dad fell off the roof, he’s going to the hospital, I’m on my way there now, Willow is coming with me, so can you and Bennett handle finding some people to come in?" I turn to leave before adding, "And maybe not Madeline.” I add in the last part to avoid any more conflict with my employees.
“Thank fuck, you finally getting rid of her?” Mack asks.
“What? You have issues with her too?” I ask exasperated. Why is everyone waiting until now to tell me about her?
“Who do we have issues with?” Bennett walks in the kitchen too just in time to gossip when I really don’t have the fucking time.
“Madeline.” Mack rolls her eyes.
“Oh yea, bossman. She’s toxic with a capital T,” Bennett chimes in.
“Look, I’ll deal with this later. I have to go though, so please just call someone in and handle it? If you can’t, call Colton. He can get the guys and the Harper women to help you. Mack, Lorelei is an amazing cook. You can fill Bennett in on what’s going on.” I walk out with my instructions given.
I overhear Bennett asking Mack what’s going on but I don’t have the time for any of it. I jog over to my truck, hop in, and start it up.
Willow doesn’t try to start a conversation, she just tucks her feet under her and looks out the window, tapping her pen on her notebook.
I don’t even know if she’s aware of how long the drive is, maybe I should warn her. “I’m stopping at the gas station outside of town, I’ll grab some drinks and snacks. It’s a five hour ride.” I stare straight ahead.
“I’ll get snacks while you pump gas,” she says before turning her head back out the window.
This is going to be a long drive.
“Listen, darling, about earlier-”
She cuts me off. “Nope. Not until you aren’t worried about your Dad. Because honestly, you’re kind of an ass when you’re stressed.” She reaches over and turns up the radio to drown out any other attempts at talking.
I do not deserve this level of forgiveness, if that’s what this is, maybe I overreacted about everything. No, I know I did. I let the anger win for a minute and now I regret it more.
Especially because Mack and Bennett both seemed to be happy that Madeline might not be coming back. I’ve never thought she wastoxiclike Bennett said, moody and kind of a mean girl, but I thought she got along with everyone.