Page 12 of The Holiday
She was pushed over the precipice when Ira changed her pace, going from long, arduous thrusts to quick motions that continuously stroked every inch of Kathleen’s center. She moaned so loudly that Ira had no choice but to cover her mouth, muffling cries of climax that would have been loud enough for anyone else to hear.
Stifled, Kathleen releasedeverything. The month of loneliness, the weeks of sexual solitude, and the soul-crushing desire to have this person be one with her in the most delightful of ways.
She opened her eyes in time to see Ira’s bearing down upon her, overtaking her ability to think about anything but the pleasure she was giving Ira in turn. Ira growled in appreciation and completely turned the tables on this naughty tryst in an office that belonged to neither of them.
Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod…Kathleen’s mind blanked out, succumbing to endless pleasure as her orgasm refused to abate. Instead, she was trapped in a cyclone of unyielding desire, her body unable to come down from its high. The plateau she endured challenged her ability to stay within herself because all she wanted was to escape to another world where nothing mattered but this pleasure and how Ira gave it to her.
For she was taking her there. The woman had a mission, thrusting into Kathleen with such determination that Kathleen did not doubt for a single second that she belonged to Ira. This was it. This was her reason for being alive at this very moment. No matter what happened outside of this office, they would always have this. They may be crowded out in the house, but they found their slice of paradise in this room…
The sound exploding from Kathleen’s body brought Ira to paradise with her.
Kathleen felt her climax before hearing it, as often was the case with making love. Yet this time it came a whole two seconds before, as if Ira couldn’t even feel it for herself at first.
That’s how good I am.
And the sound she made? Kathleen nearly died from the rough, animalistic noise emanating from her throat. She felt like she was being caught and claimed by the most basic of all human desires.Sex and love. She would revel in both.
As Ira’s thrusts slowed, she released Kathleen’s mouth and leg, letting her collapse onto the couch and catch her breath. Slowly, she came down from her high, her long, arduous orgasm dissipating through her body until she could function again. “Ohmy God,” she whispered, opening her eyes to see Ira struggling to stay over her. “That was the best. I haven’t come that hard in forever.”
“Forever is a long time,” Ira said, breathless, her hips struggling to pull back.Where do you think you’re going?Kathleen was greedy and possessive when it came to sex. Ira wasn’t going anywhere. “Unless you mean a month is forever.”
In truth, “forever” went back to two or three weeks before they were separated. What?She can’t pitch a no-hitter every time we fuck.Winning the game by the seventh inning stretch and smacking some home runs out of the park was enough for Kathleen. In fact, she was pretty sure she couldn’t survive coming that hard every time she had sex.
“I love you, Katie,” Ira said, fingers losing purchase on the back of the couch. “But I need my packer back.”
“No, you don’t.” Kathleen’s nails ran along Ira’s sweater, indulging in the strength that took her to heaven and back. “It’s going to stay right here inside me forever.” Ira underestimated the strength of Kathleen’s Kegels.
“Fantastic. My girlfriend’s sex drunk.”
“Doesn’t take much these days.”
As reality settled back in, Kathleen released her hold on Ira and let her pull away.The worst part. Not just because it marked the end of their lovemaking, but because damnit if Kathleen didn’t hate this renewed loneliness that crawled up her legs. Or maybe that tingling sensation was from having her legs up in the air for so long.Hm. Possible.
“That is one of the hottest things in the world.” Although as wiped out as Kathleen, Ira still managed to have a diabolical smile as she sat back and smacked the inside of her girlfriend’s thigh. “Hope Jem doesn’t use this couch much. You’re a mess!” Kathleen did not give a single shit right now. Endorphins were too powerful. “You’re amazing, my love.”
Ira finally joined her on the couch, carefully putting herself away as she sighed against the plush leather and leaned against Kathleen’s shoulder. She gradually closed her legs and pulled her shirt back down. “That took two people to make happen.”
“Don’t I know it.”
They waited five more minutes, cuddling together on the couch, nibbling one another’s lips, and whispering the words they had wanted to say over the past month. By the time they realized how long it had been since they left the dinner table, they were rushing to put their clothes back on, Kathleen wondering where the nearest bathroom was.
“Think they missed us?” Ira asked when she emerged from the small water closet attached to the office. “I bet our dinners are cold.”
Kathleen linked her arm with Ira’s and snaked fingers along her hand. “We ate dessert first, didn’t we?”
“You didn’t eat anything.”
Kathleen kissed her cheek and whispered, “Later. In bed.”
Indeed, their dinners were quite cold when they got back to the table.
Chapter 6
If there was anything Jamie Joy did not understand about the elite world, it was the parlor games they played for a lack of anything else to do–and from too much after-dinner booze.
Helen Warner was up for the latest round of charades. Jamie sat in the middle of the couch, between Etta and Monique, watching in wonder as the blond femme held up two fingers and began dancing around like an idiot.This is the least composed I have ever seen her. Also, the drunkest.