Page 34 of The Holiday
"God, you're so hot," Eve murmured as she broke the kiss. "I can't believe you're here with me right now."
Natasha smiled, her heart fluttering at Eve's words. No one had ever genuinely called herhotbefore. Not in a way that made her feel good, anyway.
"I'm glad I am." Natasha reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, pulling her lingerie away from her chest while keeping it tucked beneath her pullover. Eve's eyes widened slightly, her breath catching as she took in Natasha's exposed breasts. "I think I've been wanting this for a while, too."
Eve kissed her again, eagerly grabbing Natasha.
"You have the most beautiful tits I've ever seen," Eve whispered against Natasha's lips. "I can't wait to put my face in them."
Natasha let out a soft gasp of surprise at Eve's words. "So, what's keeping you? A written invitation?" God, was she getting wet? This was moving quickly. Was Natasha ready for this? Did she trust Eve when she said they were dating as of tonight?
"Maybe that's what I need," Eve said. “To show me you're serious about this. Because I also don't want to be jerked around, darling."
Natasha swallowed, her heart beating faster at Eve's words. She wasn't entirely sure if it was out of excitement or nervousness.
"Okay, I'll write you a letter."
"You... will?"
"Yeah. I'll write you a letter and tell you all the things I want to do to you."
"Like what?" Eve asked, her voice low and husky as she got into the moment. Her thumb and forefinger lightly pinched Natasha's nipple.Yup, I'm wet.And getting more eager for that hand to touch her elsewhere!
"Well, first I'd start with kissing you," she began, her voice trembling in excitement. "I'd kiss your lips and then work my way down to your neck..."
Eve moaned softly as Natasha continued, describing what she would do to her in detail. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sound of Natasha's voice.
"And then I'd kiss your breasts," she murmured, "and suck on your nipples until you were begging me for more."
"So, what I'm doing right now? Wow. You're a real original Dickinson." Eve grinned right into Natasha's cleavage. Finally, she had stuck her face there.
Natasha could barely believe this was happening. But as Eve's hand moved lower, sliding into her pants and underwear to cup her ass, Natasha knew this was no dream. This was better than any fantasy she could have imagined to get her going with anyone, let alonetheEvelyn Warner, a woman Natasha never imagined was this thoughtful in bed.
"I can't believe you're mine tonight."
Natasha shivered at her words, goosebumps rising on her skin as Eve's fingers slowly slid from the back to the front. She moaned softly, her breath coming in shallow gasps as Eve continued to touch her. Only now she found the warmest place between Natasha's curvy thighs, where the denim of her jeans strained against her spreading legs so Eve's hand could reach in farther, touch her deeper.
"Do you like that?" Eve asked. "Do you like it when I touch you like this?"
Natasha nodded, unable to form words as pleasure threatened to reintroduce itself to her. She gripped the linens beneath her, arching her back as Eve's finger teased her entrance.
"Not only tonight, right?" Natasha asked before succumbing to the sex crashing into her like tumultuous waves from the sea. "You're not going to use me to get what you want and bail?"
Eve hesitated. Yet her precarious touch between the legs kept Natasha suspended in arousal instead of crashing back to boring reality. "I'm going to get what I want," she growled. "But I am not going anywhere. When I say you're mine, I mean it."
"As long as I'm yours, too."
"Of course you are. If we're doing this, we're doing this right. No one-sided relationships in my house."
"I'm not an object."
"That's why I said 'house' instead of 'home.' That's also why I've stopped touching you now that you're getting mouthy."
Natasha whined again. "Don't do that, though."
"Stop touching me. I don't want to stop."