Page 44 of The Holiday
“What’s wrong?”
“Natasha said she would finish these charts for me tonight, but I see they haven’t been done. Or at least there are no new updates to my cloud.”
Jamie backed off and looked at the blank tablet. “You told her to take the night off.”
“Not quite. I told her something else could wait until tomorrow.”
“You’re overworking her.”
Etta rolled her eyes. “Not this weekend I’m not…”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing. I shouldn’t say anything more.”
“Well, if you need her to do it that badly…” Jamie snatched the tablet from her hand and walked toward the bedroom door. “I’ll talk to her. Assuming she’s not in bed yet.”
Jamie opened the door and stepped into the empty hall.
Too late. Jamie was two doors down across the hall, where Natasha was staying in another guest room. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked.
“Ho God!”
Jamie stopped in the lit doorway. There, in the guest bed, was not one person, but two.
“What are you doing?” Natasha hissed from beneath the covers. Beside her, Eve got over her embarrassment and curled her hands behind her head. She was naked.They were both naked.“Get outta here!”
Natasha picked up a book and flung it at Jamie, who leaped back into the hall and slammed the door shut behind her.
Etta stood in their guest room doorway, looking smugger than usual.
“Told you.”
Jamie stole into their room and nearly threw herself beneath the covers. “What the hell, Etta! You knew and didn’t tell me?”
She joined her on the bed. “You didn’t give me time. Someone was determined.”
“Was that the…”
“I figured it was Natasha making those sounds a while ago. Remember the Fourth of July picnic where she got smashed and told us that she moans like a ghost when she’s having sex?”
“No!” Jamie had been a bit smashed too.How could I forget something like that, though?
“Oh. Well.”
“But I thought she didn’t care for Eve…” The woman was at Etta’s office occasionally, and used such opportunities to flirt. Although Natasha said she found Eve attractive yet intimidating, Jamie didn’t expect anything to happen if Natasha hadn’t accepted a date aftermonths. “I’m confused.”
“I was talking to Helen earlier, and she said she brought her sister on this trip because she’s suffering from a lot of stress. I brought up that she and my secretary kinda go back. Helen and I may or may not have fanned some flames… I thought Natasha would get her work done first…”
“I can’t believe it. My girlfriend, the matchmaker.” Jamie jumped off the bed and went to the vanity to comb out her hair. After it fell from her twist, she continued, “Surprised you didn’t try to get front-row seats.”
Etta shrugged. “I was a bit preoccupied. With you.”
“Matchmaking me with your pussy.”