Page 8 of Knot My Secret Santa
Avery smiled shyly and exhaled a long breath. Noelle gave her what she might have thought was a sly thumb’s up. Straightening her form-fitting suit jacket, Avery hit the projector button and started her presentation. That sexy black suit with a thin silk blouse under it catching the light and gleaming a pale pink. Smart and feminine and absolutely delicious.
I snapped my focus back to her voice and the images she shared on the screen.Concentrate, dammit.
It came as no surprise that Avery’s design was eco-conscious. She used a minimal footprint for the room itself so the outside environment could be preserved. Floor to ceiling windows would make it seem as if the occupant were standing outside even while indoors. Lots of local vegetation provided shade and allowed the building itself to blend even more into the environment. “The filtration system will catch the rainwater and automatically use it for the plants. There is almost no maintenance needed to be done with it, and it can be extended inside if the occupant wishes to have more plants indoors.”
Her voice was clear, almost musical. I could imagine the sexy little noises she’d make during sex. I bet I could build her pleasure so that she was really loud.
“The storage spaces are unobtrusive, but there’s plenty of them. I even included a refrigerated drawer for fresh fruit and cold drinks. Very important when an Omega starts to hoard food when nesting.”
Avery bent over to scroll through a file on her laptop. My cock throbbed with want. The curve of her ass was perfect in that skirt. What sort of panties would she wear under there? Modest cotton or black lace?
“The bathroom has both a large shower and soaker tub both containing granite for easy maintenance and cleaning. The facets run both fresh and salt water. With the occupants love of the sea, she may want to soak in salt water as she finds that comforting.”
She had a good eye for details. And right now all that translated into my head was she would be incredible in bed. Licking me in all the right places, sucking my cock with subtle flicks of her tongue, her hands kneading my thighs as I rocketed toward orgasm.
I needed to fill her up. To be buried deep in her, covered in her slick. Pure lust cocooned me and roared through my soul.
Suddenly it was quiet. My chest was heaving. Everyone looked my way.
Had I missed so much of her presentation? Fuck.
“Interesting design.” I was surprised I got the words out without a growl, even if it was a lame comment. Everyone was waiting on me. I couldn’t look like I was favoring Avery in any way. “While you do bring the outside in and supply some creative storage solutions, it’s a small room. Clients tend to want more space. I would think the Omega would feel constricted, and there is no room to share space if they so wished someone else in there with them. There’s no room to grow or rearrange. The look would become stagnant and the entire room would have to be demolished to change if the client wished later on.”
Avery stiffened as I continued to speak. Her lovely lips pressed together in a thin line. She fiddled with the bracelet and finally nodded a few times. “It is a small space with a lot of built-ins. Though, studies have shown Omegas prefer cozier rooms when nesting, and this would help her feel secure. It could later be turned into a nursery or a reading room with a view. Having come in under budget also allows the client to add anything or change it.”
“That doesn’t change the fact it is a tiny space, and I don’t think it would work for any client who came to our firm.” People were starting to look away from me now that my tone had grown sharper. But not Avery. She held her chin up. Unafraid and sexy as fuck. “Many sustainable designers seem to think that an eco-conscious build must come with sacrifices, but I don’t agree.”
Fire flashed in her eyes. “There were no sacrifices made in this design. It’s pure luxury, and anyone who thinks space equals affluence is incredibly entitled.”
Beside Avery, Noelle’s face paled and she reached toward her niece, mouthing her name.
Everything in me wanted to rush forward, grab her, and carry her off to my office to claim her. She was what the future of the company needed. I wasn’t blind to Earth’s desperate need for sustainable architecture, and America was falling far behind the rest of the world in that aspect. But I was here to give her my critique and to prepare her for the type of clients our firm catered to now. “Would you say such a thing to our clients?”
“Of course not!” Avery glared down at the table at me. Her cheeks had turned rosy and her breaths came faster.
That’s when her rich scent hit me.
A growl rumbled in my throat and one of the senior architects jumped out of their seat away from me. Avery’s musk was thick and sweet, eating away at the last of my self-control. All I wanted was her, needing steal her away, to fuck her again and again.
I didn’t trust my mouth or the words that might tumble out of it. I slammed a hand on the table and used the sting of pain to give myself enough focus to get out of the room before I did anything which would ruin my reputation or the firm’s. More so, before I scared Avery and made her hate me. If she didn’t already.
That siren’s scent stayed in my nose even as I blew out of the meeting room and locked myself in my office. Fuck, what does she think about me now? I just played the asshole boss card so no one would see how attracted I was to her.
I yanked open my pants and gripped my painfully hard dick. Even as I stroked it, I knew it wasn’t what I needed. Only Avery would satisfy me. A fact which left me royally screwed.
I locked myself in the bathroom as soon as I left the meeting room. Nathaniel had only been trying to give me his critique. I guessed he might not like the small size of the room as many of his own designs were of larger spaces, but I didn’t think he’d be that much against it. He’d rubbed me the wrong way, and I became combative.
No. I leaned my head against the cool bathroom wall. Truth was that I wanted him to rub me in all sorts of ways. He was being harsh, and I got turned on by it.
Thankfully I’d been standing during the presentation. My inner thighs were soaked with slick, and even after I cleaned myself up, I had to do it a second time when another gush made me shudder with need. The ache was almost painful now. What was I going to do?
I thought that after some very vigorous sessions with my vibrator might chase away my lust for Nathaniel, but this just proved to me how much trouble I was in. And to top it off, he was likely super pissed with me. He must think I was some uppity little intern who knew better than he did. “Fuck.”
The bathroom door squeaked open and the sound of high heels echoed off the walls. There was a tentative knock at my stall door. “Avery? Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, Jess.” I was far from it, but what else could I say?