Page 23 of Kick Out of It
“Sure ya are.” Berg winks. “Your secret is safe with me, love. But be careful with that one, he’s got a big heart. I don’t need it shattering in the middle of the season.”
Ronan’s gaze meets mine and I stow away my fear of whatever this is between us, offering a soft smile. Berg’s right; I need to figure out what’s happening between Ronan and me so that neither of us gets hurt. Ronan finishes with the boots, then pats Leo on the shoulder and stands. Declan and Leo huddle together, likely chatting about video games and not footie. Berg moves onto the pitch and begins stretching. Accepting my fate that I’ll be playing football for the first time in decades, I adjust my socks and shin guards, then slip on the new boots.
When I look up, Ronan’s gone, and I’m startled when he purrs beside my ear from behind. “Would you like some help, darlin’?”
“Bloody hell, Ronan! You scared the shit out of me.” I clutch my chest, but my breathing slows as he presses a soft kiss to my cheek. It’s quick and innocent enough that no one would think anything of it.
He moves in front of me, kneeling at my feet. Propping a foot onto his thigh, he checks my lacing, then reties both of mine. “I can’t have you tripping out there. Are you ready for a bit of fun?”
We move onto the pitch and Berg insists we do a warm up with stretches and running a lap. I’m already exhausted and the boys haven’t even started playing. Leo’s having the time of his life, becoming fast friends with Declan.
Declan moves to his goal and Ronan brings Leo and me into a huddle. “Leo’s faster than either of us. Nor, you’re my goalie.” I let out a relieved sigh, ready for a nap from the warm up alone. I’m sweating, but I don’t dare tie up my hair and reveal the damn hickies Ronan left behind this morning. “Leo, I’ll help protect you. We have to work as a team. Berg will go easy on you, but Harris will hold his ground. You ready?”
Leo cheers and we break apart. I move to the goal as Ronan bends a bit, hands on Leo’s shoulders, occasionally pointing out onto the pitch as he coaches Leo. Leo nods at whatever Ronan told him, determination painting both of their features.
Berg brings the ball to the centre and Leo starts us off, passing to Ronan. Even though he’s giving away his next move, he shouts to Leo with instructions. Berg and Harris laugh, letting the other two bypass them without a fight. Leo nearly scores with Declan diving for the ball. Declan boots it across the pitch and the other four run after it. Berg catches up with it and Ronan is on his tail in an instant. Leo tries to keep up, but the two professionals are no match for him.
“Think you can stop me?” Berg laughs.
“No, but my girl can,” Ronan grunts, stealing the ball from Berg.
I’m not entirely sure if I was supposed to overhear the exchange, but I shrug it off as Ronan pivots and kicks the ball to Leo. The four of them fight over it for several minutes, until Harris kicks it hard, straight for me. It bounces three times and I recover it. Leo and Ronan cheer, then Ronan points to Berg and shouts, “What did I tell you?”
Berg yells across the pitch to me, “Fair play to ya!”
I roll my eyes, earning me a wink from Ronan. I kick the ball as hard as I can, only making it a third of the way to Ronan. Harris gets to it first, but Leo sneaks around him, kicking the ball away from him.
We play for an hour, the score ending nil-nil. I feel as if I’ve hardly moved, but am still drenched more than any Zumba class I’ve taken. As we all make our way to our belongings, Ronan slings his arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple, whispering, “Thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me? You’re the one who arranged all of this.”
“Aye, but this is the most fun I’ve had in ages. I’m going to take a shower here. What do you say you take Leo home, and I’ll come by in a bit to help you unpack?”
“You won’t take no for an answer, will you?”
We both glance over at Leo who is preoccupied with Declan, both of them talking excitedly about something with wide smiles. Harris and Berg are slipping off their football boots andchanging into other shoes, Harris laughing at whatever Berg said to him.
With no one looking, Ronan pulls me close, and for a brief moment I think he’s going to kiss me. He rests his forehead on mine briefly and growls, “Not a chance.”
“You should come by for dinner every night,” Leo insists. If things were different, I absolutely would. Nora isn’t ready for whatever this is between us, when I’m jumping in with two feet.
“Maybe noteverynight, but I’ll never turn down an invitation for your mum’s cooking. Next time, you can come by my place, and I’ll make you my favourite.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” Nora asks, nursing her glass of Merlot.
“Bacon and cabbage, of course.” I hide my smile behind my wine glass as I take a sip. Leo scrunches his nose and Nora lets out a hearty laugh. “Not a fan? You don’t know what you’re missin’! But I suppose I could make something else. On match days, the best I can do is a stew or chowder. I usually make dinner in my slow cooker so it’s ready when I’m home in the evenings. Since we’re not playing tomorrow, maybe smoked salmon and soda bread?”
Nora’s eyes narrow. “Surely you have other plans.”
“Not a one.” I take out my phone to prove it, and as I’m pulling up my calendar, I spot a text from my sister.
Gavin’s football coach quit. Do you think you could help the boys?