Page 26 of Kick Out of It
“I don’t want to be your dirty little secret, Nor. I want the whole fucking world to know you’re mine.” I close the distance, pouring every ounce of myself into a soft, sweet kiss. It’s reckless and if someone were to walk in, I could never explain what’s happening as anything other than what it is. I’m not ready for the scrutiny, but I’ve also never wanted anyone the way I want Ronan. “What time do you have to get Leo?”
“Six,” I whisper against his lips.
“Come home with me.” It isn’t a question; it’s a desperate plea from a beautiful man I could never say no to.
“It depends.”
He trails kisses down to my neck, nipping at me before pulling back. “And what does it depend on, my little night owl? Because I’d give just about anything to have you to myself for the rest of the night.”
“The whole night?” I laugh. “I’m missing interviewing your goalkeeper right now. I’ll need to watch it online later so the network can include it in their reports. And Leo has a late practice.”
“Fuck.” There’s a faint click of a lock. I can only make out his shadow and I shiver as he slides his hands up my thighs under my dress. “Are you already wet for me, darlin’?” His fingers trail along the seam of my panties, slipping two inside the fabric.Ronan glides them up and down my slick entrance and groans, “Fucking hell, Nor, you’re soaked.”
Falling to his knees, he drags my panties down my legs. I step out of them, and pointlessly protest, “This is a bad idea.”
“Just a little taste?”
He bunches my dress around my hips and slings my leg over his shoulder. I gasp and nearly lose my balance as he licks small, firm circles around my clit. I’m still unsure how we went from me going home with him to his face between my legs, but I selfishly can’t bring myself to stop him. Ronan could have any woman he wanted, and he’s on his knees for me. I can’t rationalise it, nor do I want to. I want him to take whatever he wants from me, even if it leaves me broken whenever this ends between us.
My moans grow louder and he chuckles against me, slipping two fingers with ease into my pussy. “If you’re not quiet, I’ll stuff these knickers in that sweet mouth of yours.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
He abruptly stops and my moans become a whimper. There’s a shifting sound and then his lips are on mine. Heat builds in my core and I desperately want him to touch me again. “I’ll happily walk out of here with your hand in mine, and announce to the media that I’m yours, Nor. Since you’re not ready for that, open your mouth.” I do as he asks, and lacey fabric is draped between my lips. “Bite down, darlin’. Unless you want them to hear you scream.”
Ronan lowers to the floor and resumes teasing and licking, but without the same pressure as before. It’s driving me mad and at any moment someone could walk in here. My fingers tanglein his hair as I pull him closer, aching for release. He doesn’t make me wait long, giving me the friction I’m craving, and as he sucks hard on my clit, I shatter. The makeshift gag is essential, or the entire stadium would hear me cry out. My whole body is quivering and I finally release my hold on his hair. I have the urge to crumple to the ground, but Ronan stands and pulls me close, removing my knickers from my mouth, and kissing me softly.
“Can I bring you home now?” He stuffs the panties into his pocket. “You can have those back later. Won’t need them with what I have planned for you.”
Gavin, Declan, and Leo’s match is today and I should be excited for how well these boys are playing. They’re only ten and eleven, but their hearts are in the game. I love their enthusiasm. If it were any other match, I’d be excited. Instead, I’m dreading the possibility that Leo will lose his first here. He’s also worked hard the past two weeks, and I won’t be able to help keeping an eye on his footwork.
Bridget and I set up everything for the match and I give the boys an encouraging chat before we take to the pitch. I can’t help periodically glancing over at Nora and Leo across the field. Lettie and Harris are with them and I wish I could be cheering on Declan and Leo, too. I haven’t seen Nora since I brought her to my place after the match and it’s been the longest forty-eight hours of my life. I took a walk last night by myself, since I’ve been so used to it with Leo and Nora, even Lettie.
The match begins and Leo’s moving the ball up the pitch. One of our defenders comes at him, but Leo pivots to the left, keeping the ball hostage. I silently cheer to myself whilst shouting to my boys to watch out for the mid-fielder who is headed their way.Leo’s cornered and kicks the ball away. He would’ve had the shot but I saw his confidence waver when pressured.
It’s no surprise that after the first half we’re tied 0-0. The boys are playing hard on both sides, and I’m so fucking proud of Leo. He narrowly missed the goal twice, and I hope he’s not feeling discouraged.
The second half is more of the same. With a minute left, Leo kicks the ball around one of our defenders, then cooks for a minute as he keeps it away from the other. With a fake to the left, he kicks right, our goalkeeper unable to snatch it in time. Cheers erupt on the other side of the pitch, and also to my left. Bridget is yelling, “Fair play to ya, Leo!” and I wish more than anything that I could properly congratulate him.
The game ends one-nil, and our team is still in good spirits despite the loss. As soon I pack everything up, I send a quick text to Nora.
Please congratulate Leo for me? He did amazing today.
I stuff it in my back pocket and my little night owl is shouting behind me, “You can tell him yourself!” I turn and find Nora, Lettie and Leo walking over, all with wide smiles.
Leo runs to me and I wrap him in a tight hug. “Did you see? I scored in my first match in Ireland!”
“Yeah you did! I’m so proud of you! My goalie didn’t even see it coming.” I look up at Nora. “What are you up to the rest of the day?”
Nora bites her lip and all I want to do is take it between my teeth and kiss the ever-loving hell out of her. “We were going to have a bite to eat and celebrate. Would you like to join us?”
“Can Gavin come?” Leo begs.
“Sure.” Nora looks around and when she spots Bridget, she yells, “Bridget! Want to come with us?”