Page 19 of Dirty Secrets
Why was he mad at me over this?
“We’re leaving,” he growled, not even bothering to say goodbye to Cami as he snatched my bag, and Devon laughed.
“You know where to find me, Raven. I wouldn’t mind slamming into that tight pussy of yours.”
Reid started dragging me towards the hole in the fence, getting annoyed when I kept tripping on my own feet, but he didn’t say anything. It was dark by the fence, I could barely see where I was going, but he steered me to the hole and nudged me through it, taking my wrist firmly in his grip to lead me towards his car.
“Why are you mad at me? I didn’t do anything,” I spat, trying to yank back but failing.
“I’m not fucking mad at you,” he practically snarled, seeming to notice his tone at the last second and took a deep breath before speaking more calmly. “I’m not mad at you. He just really pisses me off.”
“Can you let go of me then? You’re going to break my wrist,” I scowled. His fingers released me and I clutched my wrist to my chest, rubbing at the tender skin.
“Sorry. Can we just get home? I’m going to go back in there in a second and smash his teeth down his throat,” he said gruffly, but his worried eyes raked over me in the moonlight.
I didn’t reply as I tugged the passenger door open and climbed in, slamming it shut behind me.
Reid climbed in behind the wheel and put the radio on low as he drove off, my head resting against the window as I watched the night pass by, not realizing I’d passed out until he gently shook me awake.
“Rae? We’re home.” I blinked up at him, realizing he was standing beside my door, trying to help me out. “C’mon, I’ll put you in bed.”
“I don’t want to go to bed,” I mumbled as he reached over to unclip my seat belt.
“I know. How drunk are you?” he chuckled, sliding an arm around me to pull me out.
“I’m not even drunk,” I argued, my legs not working properly and making me frown down at them. “Where’d my legs go?”
He snickered, holding me carefully to the side and locking the car before lifting me against his chest bridal style. “You’re wasted. Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, until Devon ruined it. You like to fight too much.” I yawned as I buried my face in his neck, closing my eyes. “Guys love things that start with the letter ‘f’, you know? Food, fucking, and fighting.”
“And what do girls like?” he asked dryly, somehow unlocking the house and carrying me inside, heading towards my bedroom.
“Lots of stuff. Music, orgasms, and lots of dick.”
“How do you know they like orgasms and dick?”
“I hear a lot from my room when you guys have company. Those girls seem to like it,” I laughed, sliding an arm around his neck. “I’ve had orgasms before though. God gave me two hands so I’m going to use them.”
“Jesus Christ, Rae,” he snorted, gently placing me on the edge of the bed. “I don’t need to know that.”
“Why not? I’ve seen your dick plenty of times. It’s only fair I traumatize you too,” I pointed out. “I need to pee.”
“Can you go alone?”
“I’m drunk, not stupid,” I grumbled, letting him help me to my feet and taking a second to make them work so I could leave the room and shut myself in the bathroom.
I peed, taking the time to look at myself in the mirror once I was done. It was blurry, but I hated what I knew was there.
My tits weren’t that big but they weren’t tiny, my figure not having much shape to it, thanks to the years of neglect. I’d gone without food a lot growing up, which was probably why I didn’t have the most womanly figure.
No wonder the guys didn’t want to fuck me, I looked like a teenage boy.
I stumbled back to the bedroom, finding Reid already in my bed.
“Do you think if I ate more, I’d look like a girl?” I asked randomly, his eyes glancing up to mine from his phone.