Page 35 of Dirty Secrets
“You’re pushing your luck, Rae,” I said softly in her ear, burying my face in her neck and making her squirm more. “Reid will hear the bed creaking and barrel through the door like a psycho. We can’t, and you really need to give your pussy a rest. I’m going to accidentally hurt you.”
She huffed, much to my amusement, and she finally went still in my arms as she fell asleep again.
My lips skimmed her shoulder, and I had to force myself to take my own damn advice and try to go to sleep. I thought I’d been hooked on sex before, but nothing compared to how damn horny I was now that I’d had Raven.
It took a while, but I finally fell asleep.
My body ached. There was a hard dick against my ass, and an arm tightened around me as I wriggled.
“I swear to God, Rae. You can’t possibly want more,” Logan murmured sleepily, pressing against me more as I tilted my head so he could kiss my neck.
“I’m too sore,” I admitted, making him chuckle.
“I’m not surprised. I shouldn’t have kept going after the first time.”
Footsteps sounded in the hallway, and Logan moved back a fraction just as the door opened and Zavier stepped into the room. “Hey. Reid said you’re cramping.” He walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed by Logan, giving me a second to roll over and face him to see he had some pills and a glass of water in his hands. “Here, this will help.”
“You got me pain pills?”
“Of course. I’ll make you a coffee,” he smiled, waiting for me to take the pills so he could take the empty glass back to the kitchen with him, and once he was gone, Logan sighed.
“They’re going to know. My dick won’t go down for starters, but I just want to keep touching you.”
“No more,” I scolded, trying to get out of bed but failing as he grabbed me and dragged me against him.
“Promise that last night was good for you,” he said, worry in his eyes.
“It was better than I expected,” I admitted. “I knew you’d make it good, but not that good.”
“You’re welcome,” he grinned, grabbing a handful of my ass before groaning and rolling away. “We need to get out of bed before I get us both in trouble.”
“I’ll go first,” I giggled, his face softening, and I could see him fighting it for a moment before giving me a quick kiss.
“Thank you for trusting me to be your first.”
“Thanks for not making me feel like a weirdo about it,” I mumbled, my hormones not getting the memo that this thing was already over when he smiled and butterflies took flight in my stomach.
“You’ve ruined me for all other women, Rae. I can promise you that.”
Leaving his room would mean it was over, and it was difficult to drag myself out and put some space between us. We could totally just be friends without it feeling strange.
I headed into my bedroom, frowning when I noticed that the bed was made.
“If you’re looking for the tampons, they’re in the bedside drawer,” Reid said from behind me, startling me.
“Did you make my bed?”
“No. Zavier put the sheets in the dryer when he got home last night. He made it when he got up this morning.”
“Oh. I’ll have to thank him,” I said with a smile, dropping onto the edge of the bed and wincing at the tenderness.
“You’re sore?” he asked as he moved closer and squatted in front of me to look up at my face, and I shrugged, trying to keep the panic off my face.
“Just getting cramps. Can I borrow the car for a few hours?” I asked, making him frown. I needed to get out of the house so Logan and I could snap out of our bullshit before we got ourselves busted.