Page 47 of Dirty Secrets
“Then what happened?”
“We got dragged out to the car and tossed in the back seat to come here. We’ve been sitting here for half an hour. Asshole could’ve offered us some water.”
“Did he read either of you your rights?” she questioned, her fingers pausing on her phone when I replied.
“Wrongful arrest then. Stand up, we’re leaving,” she snorted, finishing her message before pocketing her phone again, just as BG and Ricky appeared. “Uncuff them both before your son gets his ass handed to him.”
“We were just under investigation for taking bribes from you, we have to play this by the book!” BG hissed.
“I’m so glad you agree, Chief. Considering your young officer here shoved Raven to the ground, hit her in the head multiple times, and then arrested her and Zavier without reading them their rights, I dare say we are playing it by the book. You don’t have a case against either of them right now. So, release them both or I’m suing your son for excessive force and abusing his power, and I’ll take the whole fucking department down with him for allowing him to patrol alone in the first place. He shouldnot be working under you here, and I could have him moved to another department.”
Ricky scowled. “There’s no rule about family working together.”
“Maybe not, but if your father is the one to punish you, I will be calling him out for conflict of interest in the matter.”
Rory was a badass. I kind of wanted to be her when I grew up.
BG snatched the cuff keys from Ricky, snapping at his son as he released my cuffs. “This is the fourth time someone’s accused you of abusing your badge. You didn’t read them their rights?”
“Can’t I just do it now?” Ricky asked, and Zavier snorted.
“I guess anyone can be a cop these days. Fucking idiot.”
“You listen to me, you Heights piece of shit,” Ricky started, but Rory cut him off.
“So because they’re from Hawthorne Heights, they had to be stealing, right?” Rory asked dryly, crossing her arms. “Sounds like some unfair profiling. I should slap some harassment on you too while I’m at it.”
“I fucking saw them!”
“You saw both of them stealing?”
“Check her pants! She has stuff on her!” Ricky barked, getting frustrated as Rory scoffed.
“It's your word against hers. Anything on her person might have been there when she walked into the store. Get me some evidence and I’ll believe you. Your body cam was on, right?”
“No, but?—”
“You’ve got nothing. You need some desk duty to humble you,” she answered, looking at BG who nodded as he uncuffed Zavier, both of us rubbing our tender wrists.
“Desk duty for now. I’ll have a word with the Commissioner to figure out what happens after that.” He looked at me, sincerity in his tone. “I’d like to apologize on behalf of the Ashburn ValleyPolice Department. It’s obvious I need to train my officers more. Both of you may leave.”
“You’re not charging us?” I asked slowly, watching him glance at Rory who glared at him silently.
“No. There’s been no crime committed.”
Zavier got to his feet, taking my hand to pull me with him, and Rory ushered us out of the room, not speaking until we stepped outside.
“I can sue him for fun, if you want? I get a kick out of making a nuisance of myself,” she offered, and I let a laugh escape.
“No, thank you. You got us out, that’s all that matters.”
“If he bothers you, call me,” she warned.
“He’s always going to bother me. I’m from the Heights,” I deadpanned, almost tripping as she grabbed my bicep to stop me walking, her firm gaze on mine.
“You might think that now, but keep getting up when they knock you down, and fight for what you deserve.”