Page 49 of Dirty Secrets
It was going to be difficult to keep our secrets buried if Logan was going to start getting territorial, but thankfully, he mumbled a good night then went back to his bedroom, not arguing about it.
I had no idea what was going on, but Raven was lying to me, and it was obvious that Logan knew the truth. She definitely didn’t have her period like they’d claimed, she hadn’t touched the tampons.
I turned so she could change into her sleep shorts and a tank top, then I stripped to my boxers and switched the light off, climbing into bed beside her.
Thankfully, she shuffled back into me when I wrapped an arm around her from behind, any tension leaving her body as she relaxed.
“You’re really pretty, Rae,” I said randomly, holding her tighter when she tried to roll over. “If that’s the kind of stuff that’s still on your mind, I wanted to remind you.”
“I was being silly that night,” she chuckled, but it sounded hollow.
“Well, just in case your worries that night had some truth behind it, I just wanted to remind you now that you’re sober. You’re gorgeous, and you don’t look like a boy,” I answered, finally letting her turn to face me. It was hard to see in the dark, but I could feel her eyes on me.
“Thanks, Reid.”
She flinched back when my hand lifted to the side of her head, but she relaxed into it a moment later. I couldn’t have her, she was Josh’s baby sister, but her goddamn mouth was all I’d thought about since she’d kissed me.
I leaned a little closer, stopping when she spoke quietly. “Don’t.”
She was right, we couldn’t. At least one of us was thinking clearly tonight.
“I’ll be back in a second,” I mumbled, slipping from the bed and leaving the room to get my fucking head on straight.
I blew out a breath, letting myself into Logan’s room to find him sitting in bed on his phone. He glanced up, uneasiness in his gaze. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s got me losing my mind, man. I almost fucking kissed her,” I grunted, raking a hand through my hair.
“You’d better not.”
“I’m trying not to,” I huffed, sitting beside him. “I can’t fuck things up between us. It’s Raven, not some random girl. You want to come out tonight? I need to get fucking laid or something.”
“Nah, I’m tired as fuck. Maybe ask Zav,” he suggested, making me frown.
“Did you just turn down a three-way?”
“I’m just tired, bro. It’s not that deep,” he snorted, putting his phone on the bed beside him. “You go. Raven’s fine.”
Handing the task over to Logan was a smart idea. He’d been besties with her forever, and he didn’t seem to have a problem keeping his lips to himself.
“Fine. Keep an eye on her. I’m worried she has a concussion and won’t tell me,” I grumbled, then I walked across the hall to Zavier’s room and poked my head in. “You want to come get laid?”
“Luring me into your room with the promise of cock? Sold,” he deadpanned from his spot on the bed, and I rolled my eyes.
“I’m going out. Come with?”
I was completely capable of fucking on my own, it was just more fun in a group.
“I’m down,” he answered as he got to his feet, reaching for his jacket that was dropped on the floor. “You might want to get dressed first though, dude.”
I glanced down at myself and cursed, heading back into Raven’s room to grab my clothes.
“Where are you going?” she asked, the lamp now on. She was sitting up with her back against the headboard, watching me as I yanked my clothes on.
“Zavier and I are heading out.”
“What for?”