Page 79 of Dirty Secrets
Isla Barron was a fucking mess, and she only stopped by when she wanted something.
“Raven! How you doing, darling? You ready to come and work with me yet?” she asked, coughing up a lung thanks to years of heavy smoking.
“Mom, Raven will never be working with you,” Reid said sharply, sitting between us as if that would stop the conversation from happening for the millionth time.
“Why not? You think you’re too good for the corner?” she spat, trying to glare at me past Reid. “We do what we have to out here, you know? I suppose you’re just happy letting my boy provide for you? You’d better be getting on your back for him as a thank you.”
“Some people are worth more than their pussy, Isla. Not you, but others,” I replied flatly, used to the same old argument. “Likeyou can talk. He was five when he was cooking for himself, and I remember having to help him drag your passed out body inside from your front yard when he was eight. You only show up when you need money, so I’ll save you the conversation. We don’t fucking have any.”
Reid was tense beside me, he hated us fighting.
As always though, he took her side.
“Enough, Rae. She only needed twenty bucks, it’s fine.”
“She’s never paid you a cent back,” I argued, pushing my uneaten breakfast back. “She’s only going to?—”
“Raven!” he snapped, clearing his throat before continuing more quietly. “Just leave it. Please.”
I stared at him, letting out a humorless chuckle. “You know what? You’re right. Do what you want.”
I got to my feet, making him sigh. “Eat your breakfast.”
“Fuck off,” I answered as I grabbed my shoes and a hoodie from the living room, hearing him curse as he followed.
“Raven, for fuck’s sake. Sit down and eat.”
“Get her out of my house then.” I crossed my arms and glared at him, and he glared right back.
“Your house? It’s my house too. I’m the one fucking paying for everything.”
“You work hard for that money, so stop giving it to her,” I hissed, his hand reaching out to grab the front of my hoodie to haul me closer.
“Don’t tell me what to fucking do with money that I earned. It’s not like you’re bringing anything in, you’re no different than her!” The regret on his face was instant, and he tried pulling me closer with a sigh. “I didn’t mean that. I—” I swung my fist out and punched him in the eye, his grip on me loosening but not releasing me. “Raven?—”
“Let me go. Don’t fucking blame me for not making money when every time I offer to get a job, you all convince me not to.It’s good to know what you really think of me though, so thanks for that,” I scoffed, shoving him back.
“I didn’t mean it.”
I rolled my eyes, taking another step back from him. “Yeah, you did.”
“What are you two fighting about now?” Logan asked as he walked in, his hair wet from a shower. “I’m assuming Isla, since the cunt is in the kitchen? Why’d you even let her in? She’s only going to take our money and leave again, bro.”
Reid wasn’t listening, he was watching me warily as he took a step towards me. “Rae?—”
“Go fuck yourself,” I bit out, walking past him. “I’ll be back later, Logan.”
Logan frowned, following me towards the front door. “What happened? Wait a second and I’ll put my shoes on and come with you.”
“Leave me alone.”
“You can’t just walk around alone. Not right now.”
I stalked into the kitchen, ignoring Isla who was rambling to herself right where we’d left her, and I pulled the handgun out of the drawer, holding it up for Logan to see.
“No,” he grunted, watching me as I tucked it down the back of my pants. “You know I’m team Raven. Come talk to me.”