Page 88 of Dirty Secrets
“It’s been a while since you’ve gotten lost in your head like that.” He turned to Raven again, dropping a kiss on her forehead that had her entire body relaxing a fraction. “No concussion?”
“No,” she sighed, poking her head into the living room hesitantly to assess the damage. “What now?”
“I guess we’ll board this one up too. I’ll call Cruz to update him,” Zavier muttered, eyeing the broken glass on the floor as he pulled his phone from his pocket.
“You call Reid, I’ll talk to Cruz,” I replied, noticing Raven texting someone with shaky fingers. “Who are you talking to?”
“Beckett. She’d want to know what happened too,” she answered, not looking up at me. I never thought Raven and Beckett would become friends, but I was a little thankful for it. Raven didn’t have many friends outside of us, and I knew she’d be safe with Beckett if they wanted girl time alone.
Cami was a nice girl, but she was a hot mess. Raven liked her when she was sober, but that was rare, so they weren’t exactly besties. They barely even talked unless they ran into each other at the Pit.
“Good idea,” I answered, finding Cruz’s number in my phone and calling him, not surprised when he answered after the first ring.
“What’s up?”
“Just wanted to keep you in the loop. Our stalker hit us with a drive-by,” I said dryly, hearing a door close in the background.
“Shit, everyone okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine. Still no idea who it is?”
“Nope. They’re leaving the car somewhere out of camera view, so we don’t see them getting in or out of it. Windows are too tinted to see inside too.” The sound of computer keys started, and he sighed. “I hate to ask, but Lopez isn't involved with anything, is he?”
“Raven asked him and he said no. He got most of his jobs through Ander, who he hasn’t heard from in months.”
“So maybe it’s someone after Raven? Her dad’s a piece of shit, right? Could it be connected to him?”
“Doubtful. He hasn’t been here in nine years,” I stated, hearing Zavier trying to convince Reid to stay at Riley’s. I didn’t want to see him right now, or I’d likely throw hands at him.
I loved Reid, he’d always be my brother, but he was being a jackass lately, and the space was definitely needed before we all killed each other.
“Stone and Knox are out on a job, but Drake and I can come around. I’ll leave one of the other guys to hold the fort while we’re gone,” he offered, and as much as I hated having to ask for help, I knew we had to get to the bottom of this in order to keep everyone safe.
“Thanks, man.”
“Stay inside until we get there. That way we can have someone on lookout in case they come back,” he ordered, hanging up before I could answer him.
I turned to Raven, giving her an apologetic look. “Cruz and Drake are on the way. The rest of your orgasms will have to wait.”
“Beckett’s coming over too,” she chuckled, amusement flashing in her eyes now that the panic had subsided. “I’m not really in the mood for orgasms right now. Someone just shot at the fucking house, in case you missed it.”
“Violence makes me horny,” Zavier joked as he joined us again. “Convinced Reid to stay at Riley’s since no one was hurt.”
“Cruz, Drake, and Beckett are on the way over,” I said with a sigh as I looked towards the kitchen counter. “I guess we’d better wipe Raven’s cum off the counter before our guests arrive.”
Once Beckett, Cruz, and Drake arrived, the guys set to work boarding the window, deciding to board the last remaining one out the front to try and save it from future damage.
Beckett and I talked in the kitchen so I could properly explain everything to her, a scowl on her face.
“Who the fuck would even be shooting at you guys? Do you think their target is you or Lopez?”
“We’re trying to figure that out,” I sighed, resting my elbows on the table. “Neither of us have been attacked on our own, so we can’t tell who the actual target is. If it’s me, then it’s possibly someone trying to snatch me to sell in the skin trade. There’s no other reason for someone to come after me. Unless my dad made a dodgy deal.”
“If it was the skin trade, they wouldn't be doing drive-bys. They’d be trying to steal you out your bedroom window or take you off the street. You’re no use to them if you’re dead. Unless it’s for the black market and they’re trying to harvest your organs,” she offered casually, making my skin crawl.