Page 97 of Dirty Secrets
“I’d definitely like you to fuck me on the kitchen counter. I’ve had fantasies about it ever since you ate me out on it. It’s the perfect height.”
“Raven, you’re going to make me come right here in the middle of the street,” I groaned, releasing her hand to drape an arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer as I dropped a kiss on top of her head. “I’ll fuck you any way you wish though.”
The giggle that left her warmed my chest, but the moment was short-lived as the sound of an engine caught my attention.I glanced over my shoulder as a car barreled towards us, and I shoved Raven to get us both out of its path of destruction.
Tires screeched as the car connected with us, thankfully not at full speed, but it sent us down hard nonetheless. I’d barely hit the ground before I was scrambling towards Raven, carefully feeling her head for damage.
“Raven? Baby, look at me,” I demanded, her eyes fluttering open as car doors slammed close by. “Hey, what hurts?”
My hip throbbed from the hit, but I could move, so it was fine. Raven seemed to be struggling to get her bearings, which worried me. Had she hit her head?
Someone shoved me, and Raven cried out as I landed on her, the barrel of a gun pressing against the back of my head. “Mr. Lopez, we've been looking for you.”
“I didn’t do shit,” I snapped, trying to lift my weight off Raven, but the asshole with the gun wouldn’t let me. When Raven let out a sound of pain, another prick kicked her, and I saw red.
I moved fast, turning and grabbing the gun that was pressed against my head, not caring that his buddy had another one pointed at me. They took a step back as I waved my new weapon at them, standing between them and Raven.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you’re fucking with the wrong person.”
“Mr. Ricci has been keeping an eye on you for a while now. You don’t think he watches everyone who handles his drugs?” the guy pointing a gun at me asked with amusement, making me frown. He was a little hard to understand, thanks to a strong accent.
English definitely wasn’t his first language.
“I don’t even know who the fuck that is. I’m telling you, I’ve never sold drugs for a Mr. Ricci.”
“Don’t act stupid with me, boy,” he snarled, putting a goddamn bullet in my thigh and smirking when I let out a curse as the white-hot pain hit me. “Do yourself a favor and get in the car. If you cooperate, we’ll make it quick for you.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you guys are!” I shouted, wanting to check on Raven, but knowing I couldn’t take my eyes off these men for a second.
I prayed they didn’t have more guns on them, and I quickly shot at the guy’s hand to make him drop his gun, firing more shots as he made a move to grab it. One bullet hit him in the head, killing him instantly, and I turned my anger onto the other guy as he started running towards the car.
He didn’t make it far before I got one in the back of his head too.
I put the gun down and dropped to my knees beside Raven, her eyes closed and her body still.
“Baby, wake up for me,” I begged, not wanting to shake her if she had some kind of spinal damage. I ran my hand over her head again, hesitating when I felt the warm, sticky liquid on my fingertips.
Her head was bleeding. Not badly, but any knock to the head could be fatal.
“You’re okay,” I said in a panic as I yanked my phone out to call an ambulance, making sure one was on the way before calling Reid. His phone was off, and so was Logan’s, making me curse as my bloodied fingers dropped the phone.
I grabbed it, trying to stop my hands from shaking as I called Beckett, the panic consuming me the longer Raven stayed silent beside me.
“Lopez. I’m in a meeting,” Beckett sighed when she answered.
“Can you meet me at the hospital? Some guys attacked me and Raven. They hit us with their fucking car, Donovan. Ravenwon’t wake up and—” I was babbling, getting blood on Raven’s cheek as I stroked it. She still had a steady pulse, so I had to remind myself that she was alive.
“They hit you with their car? Is it random, or do you think it’s the person who’s been following you?” she bit out, chairs scraping and keys jingling in the background.
I looked towards the car, realizing it was the same one that we’d been trying to track down.
“Same car. They said they were here for me. Apparently, I sold drugs for some guy, but I have no idea who they’re talking about. Beckett, I never worked for the guy, I swear,” I choked out. “Where the fuck is the ambulance?!”
“Where are the people who hit you?” Her car started, and part of me relaxed at knowing she was on the way.
“Dead. They wanted me to get in the car so they could kill me. They kicked Raven and I snapped. I can’t get arrested until I know Raven’s okay.”
“Zavier, listen to me. You’re fine. Mom’s talking to the cops right now. I need you to take a photo of the guys so the Thieves can try to find their records. Send it to Stone,” Beckett ordered, pulling her phone away to talk to someone as her voice became muffled.