Page 1 of Primal Bond
Chapter one
Finn knelt on the cold, metal floor of the cramped supply closet, his fingers digging into the narrow gap of a wall panel. The spacecraft's constant vibrations sent shudders through the walls, adding to the challenge of his task. His once soft hands were now calloused and bruised from countless escape attempts, but he wouldn't stop trying.
He couldn't.
The panel gave a slight creak, but it held firm. Frustration bubbled inside him, threatening to boil over. He bit his lip, tasting blood.Come on, come on,he urged silently. This wasn't his first time attempting to pry it open. It wasn't even his tenth. But what else could he do? Give up? Accept this life?
No way.
The tiny space reeked of sweat and despair, a stark contrast to the metallic scent of the ship outside his cell. For months, Finn's prison had been the supply storage space that Urlek had shoved him into — no bigger than a closet back on Earth.
Not that there's anything for me back there,he reminded himself bitterly. No family, no friends. Just an endless void of solitude in some station or other, dodging press gangers and trying to stay out of the meat grinder that was the army.
Yet here he was, risking everything for the chance to get back to it.
For the chance to escape.
Finn's fingers slipped, his leverage on a likely screw disappearing. He cursed under his breath, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes for a moment. Every attempt to escape was an exercise in futility; every failure chipped away at his resolve. But stopping? That wasn't an option either.
He resumed prying at the panel, trying not to think about what awaited him if he failed again — or if he succeeded, but found no way to escape the rest of Urlek's ship.
Finn's fingers trembled as they clawed at the panel, his nails torn and ragged. Angry red welts peeked out from beneath the tattered remains of his shirt, a cruel canvas of lash marks criss-crossing his back. He tried not to dwell on the memories that put them there — the punishments for his defiance, his stubborn refusal to obey.
His chest tightened at the thought of Urlek, his current captor. The Borraq's gruff voice still rang in his ears, mocking him.You're my property now, human filth. Best learn your place.
But Urlek was small fry. Some dumb beast, the type who only wanted something just because someone else had it.
The true source of Finn's hatred was Rivek.
Finn's grip tightened on the panel as flashes of that horrific day assaulted him. The supply ship he'd worked on, just a part-time gig to earn some extra cash. How was he supposed to know the Borraq would attack? One moment, he was slacking off instead of doing inventory. The next, something had hit the ship — and Finn had hit the wall.
When Finn awoke, bound and stripped, Rivek's leering face filled his vision. Those merciless eyes, sizing him up like a prized hunting trophy. The memory made Finn's stomach churn.
He remembered Rivek's hot, rancid breath on his face as the Borraq leaned in close. "You smell… exquisite," Rivek had growled, inhaling deeply. Then came the cruel smile that would haunt Finn's nightmares. "We're going to have fun breaking you, human."
And Rivek had made good on that promise.
The panel creaked, jarring Finn from his memories. His jaw clenched with renewed determination. Finding a way off this ship, out of this sector… That was the first step.
But his true goal? Hunt down Rivek and make that sadistic bastardpay.
The sound of Urlek's gruff voice echoed through the door of Finn's cell, jarring him from his memories. His heart leaped into his throat as he hurriedly pushed the panel back into place, fingers fumbling in his haste. He could almost feel Urlek’s hot breath on the back of his neck, ready to pounce and punish.
But the door to his tiny cell didn't slam open.
Finn strained his ears, trying to make out the conversation outside. From the end of the hallway, Urlek's voice rumbled low, mixing with another Borraq’s — one of his crew, no doubt. Finn leaned closer to the door, his heart pounding like a war drum.
"...sell the damn human!"
The words hit Finn like a punch to the gut. His stomach twisted, bile rising in his throat.
"...debt… that bastard! …for repayment..."
Oh, shit.
The room seemed to tilt and spin. Panic surged within Finn, quickly followed by a wave of anger. He gritted his teeth, fists clenching at his sides.
Being soldagain?