Page 10 of Primal Bond
Finn’s chest heaved, his muscles straining against Zanik’s hold. He refused to show weakness, refused to let this Borraq see how scared he was. “Maybe if you let me go, we wouldn’t have this problem.”
Zanik’s grip tightened, the pressure on Finn’s chest increasing. “Your defiance will only get you hurt,” he warned, his tone leaving no room for doubt.
Finn’s eyes blazed with a mix of anger and frustration. “You think you can scare me?” he challenged, his voice shaking slightly. “I’ve been through worse.”
For a second, he saw something in Zanik’s eyes. But then the moment passed, and the icy mask was back in place. “You need to learn your place,” Zanik continued, his tone hardening once more. “For your own good.”
Finn swallowed, the weight of Zanik’s words settling heavily on him. The defiance in his eyes dimmed, but only slightly.
He was trapped, but he wasn’t broken. Not yet.
Zanik released him, stepping back. The tension between them remained, a charged current that neither could ignore. Finn rubbed his chest, where Zanik’s arm had pinned him, the sting of the encounter lingering.
Finn's heart was still racing when Kelara's voice cut through the tension-filled corridor.
"Boss, we've got an update on Rivek's movements."
Finn's head snapped up at the name, his eyes widening in disbelief.
Did she just sayRivek?!
Zanik turned to face Kelara, his posture relaxing slightly. "Tell me."
Finn barely registered Zanik's words, his mind reeling.Rivek. The name echoed in his head, drowning out everything else. His sworn enemy, the reason for his captivity, the focus of his fantasies of revenge—
And Zanik knew him?
Kelara's voice filtered through Finn's shock. "He hit Epsilon, just like you said. Twelve ships. We shredded five and sent him packing, but we've got reports he's running into Nexus sector. Sounds like he's been establishing a foothold there."
"Twelve ships, just for a hit like this — and Nexus? Running into Nexus takes serious bribe money. Where in the hells is he getting the resources to pull this off?"
That got a growl of deep Borraq frustration. "I haven't been able to track that, boss. He's been drawing on some new way of lining his pockets, but whatever it is, he's keeping it well hidden."
"That complicates things." Zanik narrowed his eyes. "We'll need to adjust our routes. We're stopping at Journey Five soon, and then we'll move out."
Kelara cocked her head. "Your business at J5 is really that important?"
As they kept talking shop, Finn's thoughts raced.They know where Rivek is. They're tracking him.
This could be my chance!
He opened his mouth to speak, but Zanik cut him off. "I've found a potential buyer for our… guest." He jerked his head towards Finn. "Since he can't seem to stop trying to escape, and I have no intention of being a human's babysitter forever. We'll drop him at J5, and then move off to dismantle Rivek's men in Nexus."
The words hit Finn like a punch to the gut.
Sold again? No. Not when I'm so close to revenge!
"Wait!" Finn blurted out, surprising even himself with the desperation in his voice. "Don't sell me! I... I want to stay."
Zanik turned to him, his normally cool eyes widening in shock. Kelara's mouth fell open, her gaze darting between Finn and Zanik.
Finn's mind whirled.What am I doing?But he knew. This was his chance — his only chance — to get close to Rivek. To finally have his revenge.
"After spending your entire time here trying to getoffmy ship, you're now asking me to keep youonit?" Zanik's voice was laced with disbelief.
Finn swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. "Yes," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. He looked Zanik in the eyes. "I want to stay."