Page 24 of Stalker
“Enjoy.” She smiled politely and took a step back.
“Aren’t you going to wait to see if I like it or not?” I unwrapped my silverware and eyed her as she froze with her hands behind her back as I moved the food around with my fork. “Or don’t you care what I think?”
“I care.” She replied instantly, “I just didn’t want to hover.”
“Have you eaten?” I forked a piece of chicken and brought it to my mouth, chewing it slowly as a warm spice erupted across my taste buds. She could fucking cook. I thought maybe the pork had been a one off, but she was hitting each meal out of the park.
“I ate earlier.” She hesitated. “Do you like it?”
I wiped my mouth with my napkin and looked at her squarely, “It’s the best thing I’ve tasted in a long time, Ms. Everett.” I held her wide green eyes until she blinked and broke the connection, blushing and dropping her head.
“Good.” She smiled shyly like she wasn’t used to praise. “Is there anything else I can get for you, Sir?”
To stop calling me that.
I shook my head and gave her a nod, “I’m all set, have a great night.”
“You too.” She left, leaving me with nothing but the soft scent of her perfume and the distant click of her heels as she left my home.
Leaving me in silence and solitude, just like every other night.
Someday it wouldn’t be like that though, I thought to myself as I opened the app on my phone to our messages and simultaneously pulled up the camera in the guest house.
She was just walking in and toeing off her high heels as I watched.
The red box I sent her sat unopened on her kitchen counter and she stared at it as she walked by to her bedroom.
Come on, sweet girl. Open it. Open your stalker’s gift.
When I first contacted her on the app, I figured she would zero in on the fact that I was obviously not some normal man on the site. I knew things about her she couldn’t explain, yet she only balked at them briefly, and then let me into her head deeper than I managed on my own.
I wanted in all of the way though. I wanted to know every single piece of her personality and her feelings and her moods. I wanted to know her good and bad. I wanted it all.
And I would get it.
As soon as she realized what she wanted was within reach and finally allowed herself to shed her past like an old skin. Shed her boyfriend, and her friends who didn’t care. Shed her life and her reservations about what she really wanted for herself.
Only then would she come to me willingly.
And until then, I’d take what she gave me under the guise of sexual satisfaction and exploration.
I ate my meal in silence, watching her camera until she came back out of her bedroom in that same pink bathrobe she wore in the picture she sent me. Someday, I’d drape her body in silk and satin and any other materialistic thing she craved. She’d have it all.
I watched her eye the box once again, on her way to the wine fridge and then after she poured herself a glass she picked up her phone and I tapped into her cell camera, getting an up close view of her perfection as she typed something on the screen. With just my phone, I couldn’t monitor all of my screens to see her and what she was doing on her phone, so I settled for watching her until a message popped through the app to me.
I grinned to myself as I took my plate to the sink and rinsed it off before putting it into the dishwasher and starting it.
As I walked back upstairs to my office I opened the message and felt an adrenaline rush through my veins as she came to me willingly.
I’m in for the night. May I open my present now?
I made it into my office and pulled up the other views of her that I desperately wanted, the one of her phone screen, her webcam and the one in her home. I had her on all angles and I was ready to play with my toy.
Are you excited to see what I got you?
Very. You know nothing about me, other than I want to be chased like a piece of prey. So I’m anxious to see what you could have gotten me.
Pretty little, Peyton. I know more about you than anyone else does. But I won’t bore you with those details right now. Open your gift.