Page 29 of Stalker
To call out and leer at.
To teeter her safety and sanity on the edge of their sharp knives as they riled her up.
“D.” The president of the MC nodded to me as I walked past the bar. I took the offered beer from him and nodded in greeting.
“Blade.” Of course, he had the most corny rider name out there.
“We’re all squared up here. The boys know what to do.”
“Good.” I walked away and took my place in the very back of the crowded bar at a booth on the wall. I didn’t need to hash out the details with him anymore, because we both knew if he or one of his men fucked it up, I’d wipe out his entire club and their entire bloodlines.
Men like him called meThe Ghost. No one ever saw me coming until it was too late, and then they were dead. My reputation spread far and wide, but I seldom combined my business and pleasure. I knew I could keep the small-town MC in line though, so I dared to blur the lines just the one time.
It didn’t take long for Peyton to arrive at the bar as instructed. I watched through her cell phone camera and the tracking device in theshoe’s sole I bought her. The moment she walked in the door, I felt the air in the room change as every man took notice of her instantly.
I watched from the shadows, like a voyeur, viewing my dirtiest fantasy in real life. She was breathtakingly beautiful with her sexy red dress on. Every set of eyes in the room locked onto her as she effortlessly moved through the crowd as it parted for her.
She kept her eyes locked on the bar straight ahead, as if she didn’t even notice the men drooling over her sinful body. But I knew she was acting tough through her fear as she followed my instructions.
She was terrified. I could almost smell her fear from my seat in the corner.
My cock hardened as I watched her lush body settle on the empty barstool waiting for her. The female bartender instantly walked up to her, taking her order.
“Damn, call girl in the bar tonight.” One biker hollered from the other end of the room and his friends laughed, calling out their own jeers at Peyton.
She stiffened her spine as she waited for her drink, even though the entire room could see the way her hands trembled as she reached for the strawberry margarita she ordered.
“Come on, baby. Stand up and let Hammer slide in deep. He’ll fuck you so fast you won’t even know what happened.” Another call rang out.
“Just bend over the bar. Those heels will leave that plump ass angled perfectly!”
“I call dibs on her mouth!”
“I’m fucking that ass first. I bet she’s never had a man there.”
She drank a large sip of her margarita, ignoring the men as their calls got louder and more crude. Whether she noticed or not, the men were getting closer, too.
I could see her eyes in the mirror over the back of the bar as one of the dirty bikers leaned right over her shoulder and sniffed her hair. He didn’t specifically touch her, but he was close.
Too close.
She flinched, and he laughed at her, licking his lips and fisting his cock as he leaned against the bar top next to her. He kept rubbing himself through his jeans as he stared at her.
She took another large sip of her drink, eager to finish it as quickly as possible. When she was done with the drink, she could leave.
The man sat on the stool next to her as Blade, the president, took the one on her other side, both boxing her in with their bodies.
Blade leaned in close but his voice carried as the room quieted, watching their president work the sexy woman over. “I bet your pussy is wet right now, isn’t it?”
She pursed her lips tight and then lifted her glass to her lips, finishing it and then turning to face him head on. “Dripping.” She replied boldly, and my cock throbbed at her stupidity. Blade licked his lips, and his nostrils flared as he fought to stay on the script. If he fucked it up, I’d blow his brains out before he even stood up. He knew that. But Peyton didn’t, and she turned on her stool to face him after laying a twenty down on the bar, “But not for you.”
She stood up on her mile long legs and flicked her eyes around the room, briefly looking my way as she took in the entire room. I knew she couldn’t see me, but it heightened the fun of it for me.
“Better run then, baby girl.” Blade stood up, towering over her in her personal space. “Because men like us don’t care who got the pussy wet as long as our big cocks get to enjoy it.”
I sent the next message to her phone and watched as she ignored him completely to open it.
Leave through the back door by the restrooms. Turn left and walk away from the parking lot.