Page 71 of Stalker
“You go first.” She challenged bravely as she took another bite, “Show me what you mean.”
Oh, the things I’d gladly show her, but she’d have to settle for words for now.
“I’m allergic to raspberries.” I said and her eyebrows rose slightly as I kept going, “I’ve never been to a professional ball game before, but I’ve watched every game the Patriots have played since I was born. My guilty midnight pleasure is ice cream, and I have an incredibly irrational fear of heights.”
Her lips parted as she listened to me ramble on, divulging useless information, and then she snapped them shut when she realized I was done and waiting for her to go.
I wasn’t sure what I expected her to say, but it sure wasn’t “The Patriots don’t stand a chance without Brady leading them.” She ginned finally and added, “Go Bills.”
I rolled my eyes, scoffing at her. “I thought you said you were a lifelong Masshole.”
She shrugged, taking another bite, “I went to college at UB. And besides, Josh Allen is a total hottie.”
I audibly gagged, and she giggled, tipping her head back and letting the seductive sound surround us both. And I fucking smiled.
I only ever smiled for Peyton.
She adjusted herself on her stool and contemplated her response dramatically before giving it.
“I’m obsessed with everything Fall themed, from pumpkin patches and apple picking, to jumping into leaf piles and sitting by a warm fire with a cup of hot cocoa.” She pursed her lips as she thought about what else to share, but I was stuck in a memory of chasing her sexy ass through a corn maze and then ravaging her like a wild animal tied to the bench in the middle of it.
Fuck it, my cock was harder, and I was done trying to convince it to soften.
Luckily she didn’t notice as she went on, “I hate the smell of vanilla but I’m addicted to vanilla cupcakes and I once thought I wanted to be a doctor, until I had my tonsils out in high school and passed out when they put my IV in.” She giggled, “Apparently I have a fear of needles.” She shrugged and widened her eyes comically, “Who knew?”
“Not you, apparently,” I joked, and she giggled.
“I do now.” She sighed, “I quickly changed my degree aspirations to something more realistic.”
“Hospitality?” I questioned, remembering her impressive resume filled with years of hotel chain climbing up to management.
“Yep,” She nodded, with a little less enthusiasm than before, “It was practical, and the job availability was plentiful. I could go anywhere to work with a degree like that.”
“And it brought you here, to me.” I replied, feeling the thickness in the air between us growing as her eyes flicked up to mine.
“It did.” She replied, holding my stare before blinking it off like she was breaking a trance. She took another bite of her pancake, “To be honest, it’s a nice break from reality.”
“The job or the location?” I questioned.
“Both, I guess.” She shrugged, “Managing a hotel is no simple thing to do, but in the same sense it gets boring day in and day out. And the city,” She rolled her eyes, “That gets old even faster.”
“You don’t enjoy living in the city?”
“I hate it.” She replied openly, “It’s suffocating. But there aren’t many opportunities for a young hotel manager in a beautiful location like this,” She nudged her nose toward the enormous windows overlooking the vast forest around us. “So I’ll have to soak in as much of the scenery as I can while I’m here.” Her smile widened, “Especially because Fall is here and I can’t resist indulging.”
“Hmm.” I hummed watching her. “You’re welcome to go hiking out in the woods anytime you want. There are multiple trails that are marked and easy to traverse.”
Her cheeks reddened almost instantly, and I fought back the grin that wanted to show, remembering the way her tits reddened when she came on my cock and face last night. “Okay.” She hid her face as she took a bite of her bacon.
Since I had already finished mine, I stood up and walked away from her. “Just don’t go out too far to the east, there’s a biker bar on the edge of the property and they’re a rougher kind of crowd.” I heard her audibly swallow and looked over my shoulder at her even redder face. “But don’t worry, my entire property is lined with motion sensors and cameras. I see everything.”
“Everything?” She whispered, and I put my dish into the dishwasher and turned to face her. Putting my hands on the island between us, I leaned forward, so we were staring at each other overthe space.
“How do you think I knew Tamen had entered your space the other night?” I cocked my head to the side, “I always see everything.”
“Lincoln,” She breathed, and I silently begged her to admit what she’d been up to in my woods like I didn’t already know.
But my brother’s annoying pompous accent broke up our moment as he entered the kitchen, “It smells delightful in here.” He walked in shirtless, again, and sauntered over to Peyton’s side, glancing over her shoulder to her empty plate. My fists clenched tight on the island as he invaded her space and Peyton’s eyes flicked down to them before snapping back up to my face. I held her stare silently as my brother chatted on. “Are those Mrs. Straight’s famous pancakes?” He took her fork and stabbed a piece before eating it and groaning, “I’d let that woman do dirty things to me if she promised to feed me afterwards.”