Page 80 of Stalker
“Uh,” I cracked my neck, trying to figure out what exactly to tell my sister. As much as I loved her, she had a tendency to over involve herself in my business sometimes. And I wasn’t ready to let her opinion darken my happiness now that I was finally living for myself and putting my happiness first.
“Peyton,” She groaned, “It was the hacker guy, wasn’t it?”
I popped my bottom lip from between my teeth, “What do you mean?”
“The one who put the ghost track on your computer. He was the one who beat Ty up.”
“No, he wasn’t.” I groaned.
“How do you know?” She fired, “He’s willing to invade your privacy, I’m sure he knew Ty showed up and probably wanted to keep you all to himself, so he attacked him. Not that Ty doesn’t deserve a good ego burst—”
“Olivia!” I yelled, stopping her tirade. “He didn’t touch Ty.”
“How. Do. You. Know?” She argued. “P, hackers are known to be mentally unstable.”
“You’re a hacker.” I droned.
“Exactly.” She fired back instantly, “And I’m crazy.”
I rolled my eyes, ignoring her self-deprecating humor. “I know Dane didn’t touch him, because he was with me when Ty showed up. Neither of us ever left the house.”
There was a long pause and then a low whistle, “Look at you fucking the psycho. Get it, girl.”
“Oh, my god.” I threw myself down onto the couch, already tired of her shit. “He’s not a psycho.”
“He’s not sane either, is he?”
I hesitated, because the answer was easy. “No. Not exactly.”
“Those guys are always the best in bed.” She snorted, “Far better than frat boy Tyson, I’m sure.”
I snorted, “How would you know how insane men are in bed?”
My sweet innocent little sister chuckled, “Because you’re not the only one who likes to invite monsters into bed.”
“Come again?” I stuttered. Olivia had always kept things casual with men, choosing to keep them at a distance and use them for the fun she wanted and then move on. She never settled down with anyone specific, so to hear her say there was one in her life caught me off guard.
“I usually do.” She snorted and then chuckled. “It’s nothing serious, but it’s fun.”
“Is he sane?” I questioned, not that I could judge her if he wasn’t.
“Mostly.” She admitted. “But we’re getting off topic. Back to Tyson.”
“Ew.” I cringed, “Even hearing his name makes my skin crawl. How did I date him for years?”
“Because you were doing it for everyone else but yourself.”
I sighed, “Yeah well, I think I’m done living like that.”
“What are you going to tell our parents?” She asked, “They’re going to want answers as to why the answer to their prayers was beaten to a pulp by their perfect daughter’s new boyfriend.”
“I’ll have to get back to you on that one.” I took a sip of coffee, “Because I don’t know if telling them the truth about Tyson or telling them the truth about me will hurt them more.”
“Tell them the truth about Ty.” Olivia replied instantly. “You deserve to let yourself off that hook. He’s not the one for you.”
“I know.” I looked at the clock in my kitchen and groaned, “I have to get ready for work.”
“How’s that going, by the way? We’ve talked about your personal life more than the one that took you to the middle of nowhere to begin with. Is the old billionaire nice at least?”