Page 90 of Thorn
In his head, the tactical crap bounced around. The fact that she had vertigo. She hadn’t eaten in days. She was coming out of a detox on a drug that they didn’t understand. Her mind was flooded with new and horrific memories. That she was able to get her body to climb that arch, meant that she had a goal in mind.
It was his buddy all over again only that had been his brother in arms.
And Arya was an undefinable part of his cell structure. She was part of him.
Her head rose over the side, and he could see her eyes. “You did it. I’m here.”
She looked at him, then she looked down.
Thorn’s body froze. He forced himself into combat breaths. Pushed his focus to the left and the right, trying to break the hold of the freeze that could be so deadly. He’d never experienced terror like this. It washed through him, and he let it flow out again until he was solid. Unwavering in his support.
“Keep coming up,” Thorn said. He was surprised that his voice sounded warm and welcoming. He hoped she could hear that. Hoped that his sound waves were stronger than the wind and that her tinnitus wasn’t too loud. “I’m here. We’ll do this together, okay?” He put his hand out, and miraculously, she reached out and took it.
“Do what together?”
“Why did you climb up here, Arya?”
She looked down at the water far below them. It threw her weight off balance, and she had to grip his hand harder not to fall. Thorn wrapped his feet into the girding to hold them in place.
Arya turned her gaze onto Thorn. “I’ll never go back. I’ll never be a prisoner again. I’ll never do anyone’s bidding.”
“That’s right. That will never happen again.” Solid. Unwavering.
Her face pulled into tight lines of confusion. “You have to let go of my hand now.”
“No. I made you a vow. And I would never lie to you or hurt you. I will not compromise that vow.”
“Give me my hand back, Thorn.” Her words were louder, angrier this time. “I want this pain to end. I can’tdothis anymore.”
“That’s right,” Thorn said. “I’m here. We’ll do this together.”
“You…what? Do you not understand the situation? I’m going to jump.” She closed her eyes. “I’ll just let go and lean back. And my body will fly. I’ll keep my eyes closed and feel the wind. And then, suddenly, I’ll feel nothing anymore. It will all be gone.”
“All right, that’s the plan then. Shall you come up to me? Or shall I climb down to you.”
“Neither. I…what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I’m here. We’ll do this together.”
“But then…”
Thorn stopped. This was it.
“But…” She looked down, and he felt such longing in her body.
He had so many friends who had died by suicide. They just wanted release. So many men and women he’d fought beside. Men and women, who justcouldn’t. They came back to the civilian world where they should be safe, and they found no peace.
“Thorn.”Despair painted his name.
“Whatever you decide. I’m here. Whatever you decide, we’ll do it together.”
“Gage has got rappelling gear,” Nutsbe whispered. “He’s out of sight behind you. Tell us when you want us to proceed.”
The sky stilled as if taking one last inhale of night. And with an exhale, dawn broke, unveiling the indigo that had hidden beneath the blackened sky. The birds roused from their nests calling to each other.
Thorn and Arya poised there, grasping hands.
Arya rested her head against the metal.