Page 20 of A Fine Line
“What the hell was that?” Luke mumbled and set down the rag he was using to wipe the tiny fridge holding the few non-alcoholic canned beverages.
Wow. This rum worked good enough for the both of us. So strong that Luke could hear the same noises I was hearing.
I pulled my chin back, eyeing my brother as he watched the door with caution. Luuukeeee. I called out in my head. If you can hear this, clap twice, and do a spin.
My brother ignored my instructions and walked towards the swinging doors, pushing them open and peering around the corner to check for whatever the loud bang I conjured up came from. I didn’t have an answer yet, you know, trouble just seemed to follow me everywhere I went.
Luke yelled behind the door, “God! My eyes!”
I shot up from my chair, knocking the bar stool over, and attempted to do a jump over the bar. But I severely overestimated the height of it, so I did kind of sad sloth-like roll over before landing on two feet on the opposite end. My feet took off without permission, rushing to my brothers aid, right as he came barreling back behind the bar with two hands covering his eyes.
“Layla, baby, where are you?”
“Oh my gosh, what happened?” Layla stood up and went to the side door to access the other side of the bars counter- which, in hind sight, was much faster than my jump attempt.
“Ask them, seriously, you have to bleach my eyes out.” He pushed his palms further into his eye sockets.
“Who’s them?” I asked, noticing my two words sounded more like one long word. Whooosssthheeemmm? My brain was slowing down. That’s nice.
Just then, Calla and her husband, Nathan, popped through the swinging door with his shirt unbuttoned and her dress on inside out and backwards.
Nathans cheeks were bright red, but Calla looked at all of us like we were at fault for catching their obvious debauchery.
“What?” She hissed. “We work a lot, we have to find time somehow?”
“In my bar?” Luke shouted. “Where I work?” He gagged a little, and seeing it made me want to gag too. Funny how reflexes work that way. “With my best friend?”
Calla held up a defensive hand. “He’s my husband.”
“Well, he was mine first.” Luke countered.
Layla’s throat cleared. “You did sign him away when they went and eloped.”
“I signed him away for them to get married, not to have sex against my kegs. I can’t unsee that.”
“For what it’s worth,” Calla huffed. “I’m not sorry.”
“Clearly!” Luke yelled back.
They were all smashing together in one big blurry mess.
“Is Crew okay?” Nathan, I think, asked.
“He’s…Crew.” Luke waved a hand. “We’re talking about you two right now, getting it on in my bar. What the absolute-”
“In my defense,” Nathan spoke up again. I think. “She said no one would be here.” He pointed to our sister accusingly.
“The cars parked outside didn’t give you an idea?” Layla whispered, not adding any help to the situation.
“I think I want another drink.” I mumbled as the four of them argued.
I turned right around and saw a nice pretty bottle of other clear liquids. I liked clear liquids. Not the water kind, though. I scooped up the bottle and poured a healthy dose into a pint. I measured, with the beating muscle in my chest, and eyed the amount waiting for me. Enough where I’ll need a ride home, but also enough to drown out all the noises and the worry.
I moved the bottle back, having no clue where the lid is, and took a sip. Then gagged. This one tasted different. Smelled different too. Like…I was getting my teeth cleaned or something sterile like that. My inside turned more into a velvet couch, this one much heavier. Why did I grab that one?
I turned to yell at Luke to take better watch of myself, but they were still arguing. Layla turned to me with concern in her eyes. I think it was concern…or sadness. Don’t be sad, Layla. I told her through my magic brain waves. I’m just a little broken, I’ll be alright. Heavy drink makes it better.
It must have worked because she stepped away from her husband’s side, crouching down next to me. Am I on the floor? I was. I chuckled a little, this tile is cold on my legs.